

1、He is juggling with words『5words』

2、Soon she was juggling five eggs.『6words』

3、We were miserably juggling witn the unavoidable.『7words』

4、A few of them performed juggling ACTS.『7words』

5、The juggler is juggling with plates and balls.『8words』



6、Did you know I have a talent for juggling balls?『10words』

7、He was charged with some dishonest juggling with the accounts.『10words』

8、For the most part, they resembled high-wire artists juggling borrowed money without a safety net.『15words』

9、Most people identify themselves online by juggling a long list of user names and passwords.『15words』

10、The time a shop floor worker spends juggling schedules could be viewed as lost manufacturing time.『16words』



11、NATOOKE:The first fixed gear&juggling shop in China is seeking for a bike mechanic and sales person.『16words』

12、You signed up for yoga, Spanish lessons, pastry making, juggling lessons and antique cabinetry classes... every week!『17words』

13、After juggling careers, kids, and life, there can be very little time left over for your spouse.『17words』

14、Then use your resume to show your track record of filling diverse roles and juggling numerous tasks.『17words』

15、Then we see the sometimes tragic consequences of single parenthood, with just one person juggling so many roles.『18words』

16、Soon the juggling theatre trust recognized that movies were the most effective weapon against "disintegration, bankruptcy and humiliation" caused by strikes.『21words』

17、 The crowds in the streets, selling cold cakes, summer-relief appliances, shaving and juggling, seem to be shooting TV plays, but they are so real.『25words』

18、The basic three-ball pattern was a cascade, juggling the balls in a circle was a shower, and throwing one ball over the top was a half-shower.『26words』

19、The crowded streets show a busy scene, doing all kinds of small business, there are ice-sugar gourds, when the street juggling countless, hawkers'shouting one after another.『26words』

20、while a third juggled with some lighted candles, which he extinguished successively as they passed his lips, and relit again without interrupting for an instant his juggling.『27words』



21、Nothing can be learned without the time commitment. Most of us have dozens of things that we are juggling throughout the day, from our work, social life, health, etc.『29words』

22、And it's a romantic comedy, with the Clooney character juggling the attentions of a fellow frequent traveler and a perky upstart back at company headquarters who wants to ground him.『30words』

23、It's an almost impossible juggling act, I realize, and it's a small wonder that any airport gets built that isn't just a cinder-block hovel with benches and rendition-style interrogation rooms.『30words』

24、Several earthen tiles hut main compartments are set up separately, mud wall Daiwa, wooden mooring Xuan window, no complicated hanging, no dilapidated juggling display, simple, simple, like the style of Shanren.『31words』

25、Given how busy most of us are, and how many goals we are juggling at once, it's not surprising that we routinely miss opportunities to act on a goal because we simply fail to notice them.『36words』

26、Even embedded systems that are mostly stationary and secluded (like household appliances) have a strong contextual element: A host juggling plates of hot food for a dinner party is going to be distracted, not in a state of mind to navigate a cumbersome set of controls for a smart oven.『50words』

27、On the basis of the analysis of the security demands of online bidding, the paper gives a kind of design method for protecting data security and data integrity in the course of transmitting and storing with encryption and hash technology, in order to prevent the stealing and juggling of data.『50words』

