1、abhor terrorism, terrorists『3words』
2、To dislike intensely;abhor.『3words』
3、Many people abhor snakes.『4words』
4、He continues to abhor markets.『5words』
5、We abhor an ungrateful person.『5words』
6、I abhor to tell lies.『5words』
7、I abhor all forms of racism.『6words』
8、They abhor all forms of racism.『6words』
9、Most people abhor cruelty to children.『6words』
10、 Most people abhor cruelty to children.『7words』
11、Spitting in the street is a practice I abhor.『9words』
12、Spitting in the street is a practice that I abhor.『10words』
13、Do not abhor an Edomite, for he is your brother.『10words』
14、I abhor people who fall asleep and snore in movie theaters.『11words』
15、Yet thou shalt plunge me in filth, and my garments shall abhor me.『13words』
16、A proud man abhors lowliness; so does the rich man abhor the poor.『13words』
17、Yet shalt thou plunge me in the ditch, and mine own clothes shall abhor me.『15words』
18、Before me also very abhor the net swims, but I feel this is not basic problem later.『17words』
19、Do I not hate those who hate you, o Lord, and abhor those who rise up against you?『18words』
20、For example, its authors abhor Congress's recent decision to give shareholders a say in how much chief executives are paid.『20words』
21、To receive a prize without knowing the truth is nothing more than plagiarism of science, which is a filthy act I abhor.『22words』
22、It is necessary to scorn, to loathe, to abhor the creeds of other men, in order to conquer the temptations which they presented.『23words』
23、The right response would have been to abhor violence (some marches have turned ugly), defend peaceful protest, but explain that he would register his opinion in other ways.『28words』
24、What’s more, if you ask users themselves, they will reject the new solution because they abhor change, particularly when that change affects something they have already worked hard to master—like the file system.『33words』
25、I am the citizen of the Republic. Being accustomed to the mode of thinking and living of a republican citizen, I would deeply abhor all servility and flunkeys, including my esteemed elders, teachers and friends.『35words』
26、You are suspected of a crime of which nobody could really think you guilty... What does the title of empress mean to me, if I am accused of a crime that even the basest of women would abhor?『38words』