1、attempts to eradicate crime『4words』
2、attempts to reduce soil erosion『5words』
3、This paper attempts an answer.『5words』
4、his poor attempts to be witty『6words』
5、He scoffed at our amateurish attempts.『6words』
6、We had to abandon our abortive attempts.『7words』
7、Locking out after repeated failed login attempts.『7words』
8、Without the sequence, connection attempts just mutely fail.『8words』
9、This section attempts to summarize the key issues.『8words』
10、Reformatory attempts on students physical quality examination and evaluation;『9words』
11、I'm a father who makes bumbling attempts at motherly things.『10words』
12、There have been few celluloid attempts to portray this subject.『10words』
13、Why did I describe our initial attempts to nerf Ret as surgical?『12words』
14、Numerous attempts to persuade him to write his memoirs came to nought.『12words』
15、However, few attempts have been made to study the insider threat thoroughly.『12words』
16、This paper attempts to explain new words in linguistic communication with Relevance Theory.『13words』
17、Tentative attempts to use cloning to bring back extinct species are already under way.『14words』
18、I'm seeing many attempts to shout down anyone making this obvious point, and not just from Republican politicians.『18words』
19、This thesis attempts to explore the modernistic characteristics of Dickinson's poetry and its influences over American modernistic poetry.『18words』
20、One who attempts to persuade or convert others to a particular program, doctrine, or set of principles, a propagandist.『19words』
21、This article attempts to study the factors influencing the net cash inflow into open-ended equity mutual funds in China.『19words』
22、They have also lobbied heavily to make sure that any attempts to impose tough new restrictions on executive pay do not come to pass.『24words』
23、My first attempts failed me, though. However, I put my arrogance aside and begin my earnest search for whatever beauty my attempts may lead me to.『26words』
24、If a valid password answer is supplied before the maximum number of allowed invalid attempts is reached, the count of invalid password-answer attempts is set to 0 (zero).『28words』
25、This is because of its massiveness in size and the numerous unsuccessful attempts made on it by various expeditions, including many American expeditions, who have made quite a few unsuccessful attempts.『31words』
26、This is because of its ma ivene in size and the numerous u ucce ful attempts made on it by various expeditio, including many American expeditio, who have made quite a few u ucce ful attempts.『36words』