

1、Internet impacts our life extensively.『5words』

2、Disproportionate impacts on children and women.『6words』

3、a printer that prints by mechanical impacts.『7words』

4、Some climate impacts may already be discernible.『7words』

5、Doing nothing has already had profound impacts.『7words』



6、Deepening globalization exerts impacts on all countries.『7words』

7、The university impacts information, but it impacts it imaginatively.『9words』

8、But the impacts of coal mining are massively greater.『9words』

9、Will computers bring good or bad impacts on people?『9words』

10、The major impacts of WebSphere MQ on application design.『9words』



11、Lysophosphatidic acid impacts the electrical stability of rabbit ventricular myocardium『10words』

12、The negative impacts of natural disasters can be seen everywhere.『10words』

13、The two impacts we refer to as the 'water footprint,'" he said.『12words』

14、Yosemite's visitor center includes displays on climate change science and park impacts.『12words』

15、The impacts also change the colour, reflectance and chemistry of the surface over time.『14words』

16、Until recently, nobody realized that Earth is exposed to unpredictable violent impacts from space.『14words』

17、These same cycles of change had momentous impacts on the sparse human populations of the region.『16words』

18、Meteorite impacts can be advantageous for some species, which thrive, and disastrous for other species, which become extinct.『18words』

19、The amount of Ruthenium loading, reaction temperature, reaction time and hydrogen pressure have significant impacts on the catalytic performance.『19words』

20、In 1991 the United States Congress asked NASA to investigate the hazard posed today by large impacts on Earth.『19words』



21、However, with suitable arrangement for the location of base stations, the impacts of ACI on capacity can be reduced.『19words』

22、If the farm economy is diversified or if there are other opportunities to generate income, the impacts can be mitigated.『20words』

23、The results show that typha has no impacts on the chloride ion and its impacts on the COD is not the major one;『23words』

24、Vulnerability patterns: who are the most vulnerable rural people with regard to direct and indirect impacts of climate change and variability impacts and food security?『25words』

25、For basin-wide planning document a chapter on environmental impacts assessment is necessary while for feasibility study of projects the environmental impact statement should be prepared.『25words』

26、The impacts of anticorrosion coating defects of underground metallic pipes and facilities on the shielding effect of cathode protection, and the impacts of anticorrosion coating defects on the potential distribution on the protected facilities are discussed.『36words』


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