make out造句,用make out怎么造句子(26句)

make out造句,用make out怎么造句子

1、Let's make out another copy.『5words』

2、I can't make out what she wants.『7words』

3、You can barely make out his face.『7words』

4、I couldn't make out the baby's jargon.『7words』

5、could not make out what she was saying.『8words』

make out造句,用make out怎么造句子(26句)

make out造句,用make out怎么造句子

6、Fares are lower, and volunteers can make out like bandits.『10words』

7、I could hardly make out anything in the thick fog.『10words』

8、He couldn't quite make out what it was all about.『10words』

9、He could just make out three people through the mist.『10words』

10、Project Gutenberg, a venerable initiative to make out-of-copyright texts freely available『11words』

make out造句,用make out怎么造句子(26句)

make out造句,用make out怎么造句子

11、Practice and effect of "examination for which students make out questions";『11words』

12、Distantly, to her right, she could make out the city of Shanghai.『12words』

13、Make suggestion about how to improve the training and make out a summary report.『14words』

14、Across the black slow water he could just make out the naval depot ship.『14words』

15、I'm Mr. Li. Room 1024. I'm checking out. Will you make out my bill, please?『15words』

16、The notice was badly printed and I could not make out the date at the bottom.『16words』

17、He can hear his parents talking, and he listens carefully, but he can't make out the words.『17words』

18、When the train pulled out I scanned the railroad yard, and finally I could make out a figure waving.『19words』

19、“No, indeed, I cannot," said Little Claus; "only think how much profit I could make out of this conjuror."『19words』

20、Through a cloud of dust, as l move nearer, I can make out three men working with these chemicals.『19words』

make out造句,用make out怎么造句子(26句)

make out造句,用make out怎么造句子

21、Frankly, I can't quite make out the man. Didn't they teach him about the professorial beard at graduate school?『19words』

22、According the product development and improvement request, make out the performance, emission technique and organize person to actualize it.『19words』

23、To make out the plans of the prevention and control of geological disasters, and carry out the plans step by step.『21words』

24、The fleeing convicts were picked out of the darkness by the watchful prison guards; I can't make out the faces in this photograph.『23words』

25、And if you look closely, you can make out the emerging outlines of technology's Master Plan: Google will handle the processing; Apple will make the devices.『26words』

26、This scared the utter hell out of me because what I felt was a tall man, with long greasy hair but I couldn't make out his face.『27words』

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