

1、Motorized dinghy really floats!『4words』

2、a sailing club, dinghy『4words』

3、The bigger dinghy dragged her moorings.『6words』

4、Set includes Fire Ship and dinghy『6words』

5、Have you moored the dinghy safely?『6words』



6、The men collected rain-water in the rubber dinghy.『8words』

7、Our little dinghy was dwarfed by the big yacht.『9words』

8、They were spotted after three hours adrift in a dinghy.『10words』

9、Little by little the dinghy took shape on the paper.『10words』

10、They rescued him, then winched on board his battered dinghy.『10words』



11、“Boy said he see him go off sculling in the dinghy."『11words』

12、The dinghy was rocked by the wash of a passing ferry.『11words』

13、As they climbed into the dinghy, it began to lean violently.『11words』

14、They may generally have only two people to transport in their dinghy .『13words』

15、They quickly loaded a small rubber dinghy with food, matches, and tins of beer.『14words』

16、He set forth from the Canaries in a rubber dinghy, with all food on board locked away.『17words』

17、On the same day, the Italian coast guard found three women dead in a rubber dinghy in the Mediterranean.『19words』

18、Then the pearl fisher would go back into his dinghy and the island once more be deserted of man.『19words』

19、We'll land on the sea, taxi in to about ten yards from the shore, and put you off in a dinghy.『21words』

20、During the journey, their boat began to sink. They quickly loaded a small rubber dinghy with food, matches, and tins of beer .『23words』



21、As the boat floated close by him, Rogers climbed inside the bus, kicked out a window and grabbed three life jackets from the dinghy.『24words』

22、We tied a rope between the raft and the dinghy. After all, if the dinghy drifted away from the raft, the consequences would be very serious.『26words』

23、The raft could no more go backwards to meet the dinghy than the dinghy, with its two little oars, could be paddled forwards to meet the raft.『27words』

24、A British couple said that they encountered a great white shark when it nudged their dinghy as they fished at the Perth beach of Australia's west coast.『27words』

25、Shou Juhua had to use a dinghy on Sunday to check his grapes, located on nearby high ground and spared, at least for now, from the worst of the flooding.『30words』

26、The bimini supports were noted to be of high quality and well installed. The starboard side vertical support was seen to be removeable, to allow for operation of the dinghy crane.『31words』


上一篇:make out造句,用make out怎么造句子(26句)