

1、A conceited, boastful person.『4words』

2、I'm not being boastful.『4words』

3、A talkative or boastful person.『5words』

4、He is boastful of his wealth.『6words』

5、He is boastful of his learning.『6words』



6、He labeled the boastful man a liar.『7words』

7、One given to empty or boastful talk.『7words』

8、Children go home with boastful cods and trouts.『8words』

9、He is always boastful about his achievements in school.『9words』

10、Love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude.『10words』



11、I tried to emphasize my good points without sounding boastful.『10words』

12、None of the ambitious, talented and boastful people will succeed.『10words』

13、And conversely, the revelation of our hidden strengths may appear boastful.『11words』

14、How do you share your contributions without being perceived as arrogant or boastful『13words』

15、When you do great things, humility reminds you to be thankful instead of boastful.『14words』

16、Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude.『15words』

17、He was vain, he was boastful, he was as deluded by fine clothes as any silly-headed girl.『17words』

18、Having limited outlook and being ignorantly boastful are common failings of the people in opposition to the reform.『18words』

19、It seemed that all the declarations, true or boastful, of German might have by no means convinced the Japanese envoy.『20words』

20、Qui Qi, in front of Pound Gong, once again brought Zhuge Liang's boastful words out, obviously in order to make him lose face.『23words』



21、Compared with the boastful fallacious soldier, this fellow in the city of Beth seems to be the legendary killer of the master's grandmother.『23words』

22、Never afraid to talk up his own accomplishments, a boastful Carême made a fortune as wealthy families with social ambitions invited him to their kitchens.『25words』

23、When an interviewer asks you why they should hire you, you're going to speak confidently and honestly about your abilities. But you should avoid sounding overly boastful.『27words』

24、A tuna in the sea meets a big mouth fish, gossip tuna meets boastful big mouth fish, of course, can not help blowing a few words, which is a blind Taishan.『31words』

25、What boastful father in the fullness of his heart ever related such wonders of his infant prodigy as kit never wearied of telling barbara in the evening time concerning little jacob?『31words』

26、Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful, it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.『57words』

