

1、Conversational services are obviously trickier.『5words』

2、But this trip will be trickier.『6words』

3、The guts are a trickier matter.『6words』

4、Allocated memory is a bit trickier.『6words』

5、Deleting directories is a little trickier.『6words』



6、If so, getting leases can be trickier.『7words』

7、The economics of the new tax are trickier.『8words』

8、It's far trickier, for example, to serve beer than wine.『10words』

9、Discerning health effects among the general population is even trickier.『10words』

10、Profound changes in the workforce are making teams trickier to manage.『11words』



11、What is trickier to explain is why the momentum effect ever stops.『12words』

12、Here we get into some trickier indexing, where slices can be indicated along multiple dimensions.『15words』

13、Negative curvature is a little trickier to visualize. The most common description is a saddle.『15words』

14、If the euro climbs more sharply against the dollar, then the ECB's job will get trickier.『16words』

15、The next gamble was trickier: subjects were only told the total number of cards in the deck.『17words』

16、Setting up your machine to write and run applications that use JDIC is a little trickier than normal.『18words』

17、This becomes a little trickier because there's a lot of in-core instrumentation, it's like a forest down there.『18words』

18、Such storms can sometimes envelop the entire planet and change the characteristics of the atmosphere, making EDL far trickier.『19words』

19、Locate highlighting can help but is insufficient because the object may be completely occluded by others. Group selection is even trickier.『21words』

20、Now, however, a somewhat uneasy coalition of progressives and centrists rules Washington, and staking out a position has become much trickier.『21words』



21、He did not mention that a run of bad inflation figures (up to 4.4% in February) has made a fiscal U-turn trickier.『22words』

22、On the one hand, searching for heterozygous variants can be slightly trickier, said Veltman, because individuals have many more heterozygous variants than homozygous.『23words』

23、The argument over whether the West should arm the rebels-and whether even an elastic interpretation of UN Security Council resolution 1973 would allow for it-is trickier still.『27words』

24、An ASP.NET postback is a little trickier; using absolute positioning maintains the context menu in the realm of the current page and doesn't apply changes to the page's elements tree.『30words』

25、A switch to forest gardening and other forms of permaculture is trickier, especially for producing grain; but such is the scale of the creeping emergency that we can't afford to rule anything out.『33words』

26、Engineers, he said, who long ago figured out how to make sure skyscrapers won't topple over, are focused more and more these days on the trickier problem of making people inside feel secure.『33words』

