



3、creatures that populate the ocean depths.『6words』

4、Over six billion humans populate the Earth.『7words』

5、In unbound mode, you populate the control manually.『8words』



6、To use the Quick Address List, populate your『8words』

7、An API to populate and manipulate graphs of data.『9words』

8、This will populate the temporary table with three rows.『9words』

9、But first, you'll need to populate the answers, as in Listing 7.『12words』

10、Build (and later populate) a hash table to hold the final results.『12words』



11、Listing 9 contains the code to take this data and populate the placeholder.『13words』

12、You can use any of these functions to automatically populate an instance node.『13words』

13、The C and COBOL importers do not always fully populate a TDS model.『13words』

14、Maintain your own repository of software, and use it as a canonical source to populate your systems.『17words』

15、Red stars still light up at night over the Kremlin and Lenin statues populate nearly every town.『17words』

16、This will re-populate the resultset in the DataSet, so the contents of the DataGrid will automatically be updated.『18words』

17、One of my favorite things about the sport of purebred dogs is the colorful cast of characters that populate it.『20words』

18、However, there are times when you may require data from the context or headers to properly populate your target body.『20words』

19、It is only when you fill, or populate, a database with data in tables that it starts to serve a purpose.『21words』

20、A stored procedure P1 may declare a temporary table t, populate it, and wish to call procedures P2 and P3 to process the data.『24words』



21、Instead they may have been the forebears of heat-loving bacteria that color the steamy geyser pools in Yellowstone National Park and populate submarine volcanoes.『24words』

22、The Rails framework will duplicate the structure of the tables in the development, and populate those tables with data from your fixtures, which reside in testfixtures. 『27words』

23、The narrow, towering lodgepole pine trees that populate North America's western forests may disappear in the coming decades due to climate change and attacking beetles, a study said Monday.『29words』

24、This article, the first in a two-part series, illustrated how to build a single data flow that uses an XML-based source table to populate two target data warehouse tables.『29words』

25、The legendary figures of Wall Street got to be that way by hanging out their shingles during the formative days of the market but today it is stockbrokers who populate Wall Street by-and-large.『33words』

26、At the same time,some of the old tensions remain,with ethnic conflicts in Bosnia and Somalia reminding the revolutionaries and the traditionalists that wars will continue however many chips and computers may populate the world.『34words』


下一篇:thorium 造句,用thorium 怎么造句子(26句)