

1、When's lunch? I'm famished『4words』

2、Isn't dinner ready? I'm famished.『5words』

3、The long drought famished many people.『6words』

4、Do you feel famished after working out?『7words』

5、I'm as unselfish as a famished hog.『7words』



6、Rip felt famished for want of his breakfast.『8words』

7、Save one, a corpse, from out the famished three.『9words』

8、My feet are now killing me and I'm absolutely famished.『10words』

9、I eat like a famished ogre; it, the sea air.『10words』

10、I eat like a famished ogre; it, the sea air.'『10words』



11、He was so famished that golden sparks danced Before his eyes.『11words』

12、Blackthorne was famished and his mouth and body ached from the scurvy.『12words』

13、The weary time dragged on; they slept again, and awoke famished and woe-stricken.『13words』

14、While I was but a mile away, I was so famished that I collapsed.『14words』

15、We offer food and wine to the famished ghosts that come up to earth from hell.『16words』

16、Rose of Sharon, bereft of her baby, nourished the famished man with the milk from her breasts.『17words』

17、Oh, that soul was itself meagre, ghastly, and famished; and cruelty was the delight of that soul!『17words』

18、So long as love begets life no child is deserted, or hungry, or famished for the want of affection.『19words』

19、how some men came along in a skiff and Tom hailed them and told them their situation and their famished condition;『21words』

20、Does everybody here recall old Foulon, who told the famished people that they might eat grass, and who died, and went to Hell?『23words』



21、Their mounts were often famished, tired and weighed down by equipment, whereas the ponies of Sitting Bull's warriors were well-watered, fresh and, in many cases, barebacked.『26words』

22、In a new study of hunger's effects on the mind, neuroscientists pieced together what happens in the brain that makes us buy more food when we are famished.『28words』

23、“That remains to be seen. " The Halfmaester stood over him. "Duck, be a fine fowl and boil some broth for our little friend here. He must be famished. "『30words』

24、Hearing the word, the man glared his eyes and said, "It is because I am not willing to eat the food handed out in contempt that I have been famished to such a degree."『34words』

25、After we drove back from Big Bear, it was almost 8pm and we were all famished... Dumplings sounded very appealing at that moment for all of us so we decided to try this dumpling house.『35words』

26、One of them even turned back to look at him, and although he could not see him clearly, the man's eyes shone with a lustful light, like a famished person's at the sight of food.『35words』


上一篇:thorium 造句,用thorium 怎么造句子(26句)