

1、Croatia is awash with gossip.『5words』

2、The bathroom floor was awash.『5words』

3、We're awash with technicians here.『5words』

4、The street was awash with ticker tape.『7words』

5、Finally, the country is awash in credit.『7words』



6、First, these women tend to be awash in debt.『9words』

7、This is a company that is awash with cash.『9words』

8、Local markets and trade fairs are awash in aspiring brands.『10words』

9、In a world awash in debt, power shifts to creditors.『10words』

10、The lake overflowed till all the villages in the neighbourhood were awash.『12words』



11、Of course, debts should be paid, especially by deadbeats awash in oil.『12words』

12、NORTHUMBERLAND STREET, adjacent to the Eldon Square shopping centre, is awash with people.『13words』

13、The result was a world awash in cheap money, looking for somewhere to go.『14words』

14、The blogosphere is awash with speculation that it had all been a publicity stunt by the parents.『17words』

15、Racing against the clock the counters are awash with palettes of eye shadow, eyelash curlers and tweezers.『17words』

16、While the world was awash with credit, these cheap funds provided GE Capital with a licence to print money.『19words』

17、If we aren't already, we will soon be awash in articles on the management and leadership lessons of Jobs' career.『20words』

18、NASA and ESA's probes will land on either side of Mars's equator in regions that may once have been awash with water.『22words』

19、The Internet is often dismissed as awash with cranks, but it has proved far more potent at debunking conspiracy theories than perpetuating them.『23words』

20、This tide awash on our shores may well directly touch each and every one of us in this room. I speak of breast cancer.『24words』



21、But into the late 1980s, the world was awash with Japanese money as corporations snapped up prime real estate like Rockefeller Center in New York.『25words』

22、Looking ahead, the London session is awash in PMI data and the culmination of the EU two day summit in Brussels which could offer some volatility.『26words』

23、Washington is awash with speculation on whether the Republicans will over-reach as Mr Gingrich did in 1995 when Bill Clinton won a stand-off that had resulted in the shutdown of government.『31words』

24、Russia has in the past few days been awash in rumors of a devaluation of the ruble, whose stability has been a much-touted achievement since Vladimir Putin came to power eight years ago.『33words』

25、For example, in the case of rape women were once too embarrassed to report the crime to a male dominated police force that was awash with sexist beliefs about women and their position in society.『35words』

26、You'll notice that four of the top five countries in the Human Development Index have the Common Law and the top, Norway, is a awash in oil. Without the petro-kronors they probably wouldn't be so hot.『36words』

