

1、her hurtful unconsidered words.『4words』

2、Sincerity – Use no hurtful deceit;『6words』

3、She can is very hurtful sometimes.『6words』

4、They are hurtful and exceedingly offensive.『6words』

5、it is neglected and it becomes hurtful.『7words』



6、I cannot forget the hurtful things he said.『8words』

7、Don't say such hurtful things to your friend.『8words』

8、The new king was so hurtful by the true story.『10words』

9、Her comments can only be very hurtful to Mrs. Green's family.『11words』

10、Find accuracy when truth would be cruel or hurtful, but never lie.『12words』



11、“It's too hurtful to talk about, ” she told the News of The World.『14words』

12、it is really hurtful when a couple hurl abuse at each other in a quarrel.『15words』

13、“Use no hurtful deceit. Think innocently and justly; if you speak, speak accordingly. -- B. Franklin"『16words』

14、If you choose to regard people's actions as sadistic and emotionally hurtful, then you would feel the pain.『18words』

15、The person who said the hurtful words could be an instrument to mold you into a stronger person.『18words』

16、The most hurtful in love is indifference; the one loved you is so close but so far away.『18words』

17、The key to forgiveness is an inner letting go, which occurs only when your mind stops perpetuating a hurtful story.『20words』

18、Gentle heart, lost understanding of life, lost only eyes, love or that love, goodbye or that goodbye, just know too late.『21words』

19、The other, that he shall have counsel given, hurtful and unsafe (though with good meaning), and mixed partly of mischief and partly of remedy;『24words』

20、If there are people in your life who are abusive, demeaning, angry, hurtful, not supportive, unethical, or crazy, it is time to let them go.『25words』



21、Cleverness is not to speak more gossip, not to speak more hurtful words, but to know that words can not solve problems, and try to be silent.『27words』

22、You choose to be mean, impatient, angry, hurtful or to hold a grudge in the same way as you choose to be happy, grateful, thoughtful, patient and kind.『28words』

23、I understand that it can be hurtful and annoying, but I always feel pity for people whose only method of building themselves up is by knocking others down.『28words』

24、They also look for a girl who has just suffered from some hurtful event like a breakup, job loss, or anything else that has sent them into a downward spiral.『30words』

25、Even if you and your wife (or girlfriend) have agreed that it's OK to check out other people, doing it in an obvious way in front of her is hurtful.『30words』

26、The most true feelings, hurtful dreams, a person's efforts, a person's touching, missed beauty, lost people's forgotten sea, just watch the sea of mind, can not erase the most real time, can not erase the perfect mind.『37words』

