

1、lumped process control system『4words』

2、The milk powder has lumped.『5words』

3、His pockets were lumped with various articles.『7words』

4、All the questions were lumped into one category.『8words』

5、A lumped element loaded wideband compact multiple-arm folded antenna『9words』



6、High-order lumped-parameter models for foundation based on continued fraction『9words』

7、The cost of these two trips can Be lumped together.『10words』

8、Neglect the axial deformations and consider only the lumped masses.『10words』

9、We lumped all these items together under the heading" sundry expenses" .『12words』

10、In this work, a lumped-parameter circuit model and transmission line model are discussed.『13words』



11、I lumped all the component parts of the heeling exercise into one training exercise.『14words』

12、Perhaps we are all being lumped together as a negative force against these important issues.『15words』

13、This class is an introduction to the dynamics and vibrations of lumped-parameter models of mechanical systems.『16words』

14、Using growth charts from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the researchers lumped kids into one of three groups.『20words』

15、You will also need several organization and location fields. I have lumped these together in a single variable, called org.『20words』

16、Whether the last three items should be lumped in with the other address elements is a matter for further discussion.『20words』

17、From Much Wenlock, a pretty town full of pricey houses, came a plea not to be lumped in with grittier Telford.『21words』

18、Because random process theory is not an assumed prerequisite for this text, emphasis will be on deterministic (nonrandom) lumped parameter systems.『21words』

19、The circuit design part mainly introduces the duplexer design with lumped apices filter, and the antenna switch design with PIN diode.『21words』

20、Pluto, Eris and the many other Kuiper Belt objects are far too different to be lumped in with the eight official planets, he said.『24words』



21、In this paper, the homogeneity propetry of multilumped-heat-capacity system is dealt with, and the solution to three-lumped-heat-capacity system is easily deduced by complex-number backward method.『25words』

22、The simulation is based on the lumped-parameter mathematical model taught in Quantitative Physiology and Cardiovascular Pathophysiology courses in the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology.『26words』

23、Previous studies have generally focused on people who were depressed or anxious, Miller said. Or they looked at both depression and anxiety, but lumped all types of anxiety together.『29words』

24、At present, the lumped parameter model of frost, which is based on experience and depend heavenly on the running condition, is widely used in simulation of air-cooled heat pump.『29words』

25、The parser and the API in the JAXP distribution have been lumped together, and some developers mistake classes and features from one as part of the other, and vice versa.『30words』

26、If you want to fly, then ask you and the eagle siding, and one of them, If you only and chickens all lumped together, and so you are not likely to soar.『32words』

