

1、wean sb(away)from drugs,drinking,gambling,etc『3words』

2、to wean from bottle to cup『6words』

3、You know him personally, you wean『6words』

4、wean sb from drugs, drinking, gambling, etc『7words』

5、She tried to wean his husband from gambling.『8words』



6、The hospital managed to wean her off the drug.『9words』

7、The doctor tried to wean her off sleeping pills.『9words』

8、Devices have become security blankets. Take the time to wean yourself.『11words』

9、When the time comes to wean your child from the pacifier, do it gradually.『14words』

10、“It is an alternative fuel that will help wean us off foreign oil," he said.『15words』



11、Not enough evidence to show the best way to wean premature babies off oxygen supplementation.『15words』

12、China is making some progress in its efforts to wean itself off dependence on the Russians.『16words』

13、I might be able to gradually wean myself off the alarm, at least during the daytime naps.『17words』

14、A study of different ways to wean noninvasive positive pressure ventilation in treatment of COPD with respiratory failure『18words』

15、He must wean himself from Suckling the energy of others and become a vibrant transmitter of energy himself.『18words』

16、When I meet Karen later she tells me that she's trying to wean Zibbi off calling her "Mummy".『18words』

17、The breeder is trying to wean them off their cracker habit, gradually replacing the American food with Chinese bread.『19words』

18、He said he tried to wean Jackson off the drug. Murray said Jackson had injection marks on his hands and feet.『21words』

19、Some children wean on their own during pregnancy. Others who wean during pregnancy want to nurse again once the baby is born.『22words』

20、With electricity costs rising -- along with global-warming guilt -- consumers across the country are struggling to wean themselves from the A/C.『22words』



21、Eat well and look after your health: the industrial health system is approaching total collapse, and the sooner we wean ourselves off it the better.『25words』

22、Under this new strategy, troops now stay in the cleared areas to build decent local governments, protect the population and wean it away from the insurgency.『26words』

23、Another country keen on cellulosic ethanol is Sweden, which is relying heavily upon wood-based solid and liquid biofuels as part of its plan to wean itself off oil by 2020.『30words』

24、The affidavit said Dr. Murray told investigators that he worried that Mr. Jackson might have been forming an addiction to propofol and was trying to wean him off the drug.『30words』

25、Ethanol is the alternative fuel that could finally wean the U. S. from its expensive oil habit and in turn prevent the millions of tons of carbon emissions that go with it.『32words』

26、Natural gas, with its reputation as a linchpin in the effort to wean the nation off dirtier fossil fuels and reduce global warming, may not be as clean over all as its proponents say.『34words』

