

1、sweeten one's coffee『3words』

2、sweeten coffee with sugar『4words』

3、Apples sweeten in the dark.『5words』

4、I never sweeten my tea.『5words』

5、And sweeten the romance of love.『6words』



6、A pastille used to sweeten the breath.『7words』

7、sweeten(the air in)a room,eg by opening a windo『8words』

8、Children sweeten labours; but they make misfortunes more bitter.『9words』

9、Romantic or creative urges sweeten Sunday and early Monday.『9words』

10、The Australians fry their bananas and sweeten them with honey.『10words』



11、I'll sweeten her up a bit by inviting her to the party.『12words』

12、Both chaebol have faced shareholder rebellions and been forced to sweeten or abandon restructuring plans.『15words』

13、The very thought of these things was sufficient to sweeten any bitterness, and heal any wound.『16words』

14、They tell me you have even carried enough honey with you to sweeten the sour Messer Angelo.『17words』

15、Love will sweeten the music that your field plays calling a sweeter dream to your dance of life.『18words』

16、On the one hand, clean money can sweeten your life, help you succeed and be your lifelong faithful companion.『19words』

17、The idea now is to use the abolition of the tax shield to sweeten the end of the wealth tax.『20words』

18、Similarly, an executive can create a warmer atmosphere by unilaterally giving away some corporate candy early in the talk to sweeten the pot.『23words』

19、If jobs require people to commute a great distance or to move themselves to another state, employers may find they need to sweeten their offers.『25words』

20、For example, I might make myself a bowl of oatmeal, sweeten it with milk and a bit of honey, and top it with fruit and nuts.『26words』



21、Rye bread will do you good ,barley bread will do you no harm ,wheaten bread will sweeten your blood ,oaten bread will strengthen your arm .『26words』

22、Although the effects of cutting greenhouse gases are long term and global, she says, "the health benefits are immediate" and more localized, which should sweeten the deal for politicians.『29words』

23、As a result, food makers are reworking decades-old recipes, eliminating the corn syrup used to sweeten foods like ketchup and crackers, and replacing it with beet or cane sugar.『29words』

24、You don't have to sweeten your words, or swear by mountains and alliances. Just one look from you has already exposed the betrayal in your heart to me. What else can you say?『33words』

25、The children are arguing and pulling each other's hair, so she tells them to go out and look for wild honey, which she uses to sweeten food - sugar won't be discovered for thousands of years yet.『37words』

26、High quality life requires a solid material foundation, and the distance between reality and dream is too far away. To taste life is to taste a cup of bitter coffee without sugar. Perhaps plain faith is a candy that can instantly sweeten your life.『44words』

