

1、To struggle roughly;scuffle.『3words』

2、scuffle with an assailant『4words』

3、It was a veritable scuffle『5words』

4、Okay, there was a little scuffle, first.『7words』

5、 Five pickets were injured in the scuffle.『8words』



6、A scuffle broke out between the two teams.『8words』

7、He was involved in a scuffle with a photographer.『9words』

8、In a scuffle that ensued, Leia killed Lord Tion.『9words』

9、What began as a minor scuffle turned into a full-scale riot.『11words』

10、It keeps 'em so busy they fair scuffle to get 'em done.『12words』



11、He then went on to explain the events leading up to the scuffle.『13words』

12、He said it was in retaliation for his own son having been hurt in a scuffle.『16words』

13、That night Jane hears a scuffle and a cry for help in the room just above hers.『17words』

14、It's believed the fighting was sparked off following a scuffle at a mosque in a Christian neighbourhood in Jos.『19words』

15、When the spring blossoms, the sound of guns and guns in the scuffle between the warlords in Sichuan subsides.『19words』

16、Other cats joined in the scuffle, but the fighter droid's back thrusters fired and fell from the sky, repelling them.『20words』

17、Mr Kadyrov is already testing the limits of his authority; though Moscow denies it, his men sometimes scuffle with federal troops.『21words』

18、This game will present you with a super smash melee. Players can control Wukong to defeat enemies in the intense scuffle.『21words』

19、The streets are emptying here now, give or take the odd shout and scuffle, leaving the clean-up vehicles scurrying about in their scores.『23words』

20、Witnesses said the man shouted he had a gun and drew the weapon from his waistband during the scuffle in a busy Sheung Wan street.『25words』



21、Even then, music came along with the images, awarding them the right expression in the moments of suspense, of sadness or even on a common scuffle scene.『27words』

22、At a tennis match where fans heckled the player from Argentina, there was a scuffle in the stands (link in Spanish)—perhaps the first ever case of tennis hooliganism.『28words』

23、When the most exciting thing Queiroz has done in recent times is get involved in a scuffle with a journalist at the airport, you just know something is wrong.『29words』

24、In the scuffle copy, each floor generally has 30 game player, but also in melee, according to game player level, and then through the grade distribution, try to make 30 game player level.『33words』

25、As the division was taking place, a scuffle broke out between some of the deputies over an insult allegedly levelled at one of the lawmakers who unexpectedly changed her vote at the last minute.『34words』

26、Since breaking into the Hong Kong's entertainment scene in 1997, he hasn't been able to open his front door without something happening-whether it is the odd prang in a $5-million sports car or a late-night scuffle with photographers outside a restaurant.『41words』

