

1、Swallows were darting through the clouds.『6words』

2、 Birds were darting through the trees.『7words』

3、Insects were darting about before the storm.『7words』

4、bluish-gray North American hawk having a darting flight.『8words』

5、Indeed Tink was darting about again, using offensive language.『9words』



6、Torpedo planes were darting in to attack, then banking off『10words』

7、The custodian could see him darting back and forth in the darkness.『12words』

8、He hunted butterflies with a darting net, only to break their wings.『12words』

9、Blue bird and darting swallow, nor forget the high-hole flashing his golden wings.『13words』

10、After many years of darting, he seemed to be enlightened and sighed, "It's probably a girl."『16words』



11、Midges swarmed in the air, and a dragonfly floated over the stream, darting here and there.『16words』

12、He said, "See how the fish keep darting about wherever they please." That's what they really enjoy.『17words』

13、however, through the film, the long willow branches and nimble, darting swallows lent some freshness to the scene.『18words』

14、Wherever Legadema went, vervet monkeys with darting eyes spotted her a mile off, and squirrels set up alarm calls.『19words』

15、As I peeked out the door I saw someone, presumably the same someone, darting into the room next to mine.『20words』

16、I headed inside and threaded through the darting crowds, looking for the memorial to the people killed in the 2008 attacks.『21words』

17、But this time everyone was entirely in Merry's favour. They began to scramble out of the excavation, darting furious glances behind them.『22words』

18、The waters of Li River is sparklingly clear so that one can see its gleaming pebble-paved bottom with lively fish and shrimp darting about.『24words』

19、EXAMPLE: On vacation in the mountains I found a lovely, pellucid stream in which I could see tiny fish and frogs swimming and darting.『24words』

20、When Ysilla turned her back, Tyrion snatched a biscuit off the brazier, darting away just in time to avoid a smack from her fearsome wooden spoon.『26words』



21、A succession of smooth, grey sandy coves was soon a memory as the track started to weave inland, darting back occasionally to the water to rinse off the heat.『29words』

22、The 90 minutes were almost up when David Platt spotted Bergkamp's darting run into the left-hand side of the box and lofted a perfect pass into the Dutchman's path.『29words』

23、“It was wonderful, the vast variety of forms into which she threw her intellect, with no continuity, indeed, but darting up and dancing, always in a state of preternatural activity-"『30words』

24、In the serenely limpid waters of the pond, fish that are playfully darting about are clearly visible. The scenery is suggestive of poetry and painting and its allure simply irresistible.『30words』

25、Awkward, ugly girls who might easily have hated her for her beauty, stood gossiping with her over the back fence, and when she came darting in at their back doors their eyes were wistful and hungry『36words』

26、She made the sombre crowd cheerful by her erratic and glistening ray, even as a bird of bright plumage illuminates a whole tree of dusky foliage by darting to and fro, half seen and half concealed amid the twilight of the clustering leaves.『43words』

