

1、born of enslaved parents.『4words』

2、He was enslaved to drinking.『5words』

3、He was enslaved to superstition.『5words』

4、the docile masses of an enslaved nation.『7words』

5、George was born to an enslaved African mother.『8words』



6、That to be enthroned is to be enslaved.『8words』

7、The state or period of being imprisoned, confined, or enslaved.『10words』

8、To be enslaved is to be owned as property by another.『11words』

9、They'd been enslaved and had to do what they were told.『11words』

10、any of various ants captured as larvae and enslaved by another species.『12words』



11、It would be a tragedy if both sexes were enslaved to the god of work.『15words』

12、Remember we ever are so enslaved to the other, we are a little shamed after all.『16words』

13、But the outcome will be about more than just a madman and his army of enslaved children.『17words』

14、Is this not the same tribe that enslaved black people for 250 years and segregated them for a century?『19words』

15、Yet the old shaman, sensing that his people would be enslaved to hatred forever, somehow resisted the demon's command.『19words』

16、Those women would leave with bags full of money, but he never gave any money to the Libyan girls he enslaved.『21words』

17、Black people were first brought to America from Africa as slaves (in 1863 President Abraham Lincoln freed all who remained enslaved).『21words』

18、Only those who refuse to cut their braids are enslaved and obedient, and they are most suitable for building violent machines.『21words』

19、Each is enslaved in the seeming requirement to provide enough to subsist; so much so that it is a deep seated fear that one may not have enough.『28words』

20、The soul of man can never be enslaved Save by its own infirmities, nor freed Save by its very strength and own resolve And constant vision and supreme endeavor!『29words』



21、Today, art has been enslaved. So many artists are trying their best to copy their established works. Is there anyone still thinking about art, and even the future of chinese ink?『31words』

22、He was blinded and enslaved by the Philistines, but later his strength was restored and he pulled down the pillars of a temple where 3, 000 Philistines had gathered, killing them and himself.『33words』

23、If a Service-to-Self soul, they may view the life they are losing as one of their better stints, and fear being placed into a crippled body, or one enslaved by others in a future incarnation.『35words』

24、And they enslaved you over again - but not frankly, as the true, noble men would do with weight of their own right arms, but secretly, by spidery machinations and by wheedling and cajolery and lies.『36words』

25、The change of human thought is in a moment. When you realize it, you can see the nature of life, go from being enslaved by life to freedom, and bring into full play the kindness and potential hidden in your heart.『41words』

26、Our life is not as good as rain, being dragged by trifles, being tired of work, being enslaved by money, trying to choose his own way, but having to be forced by life to do what he does not want to do.『42words』

