

1、Long hair tangles easily.『4words』

2、Open adjudication of medical tangles.『5words』

3、Why do plaques and tangles form?『6words』

4、Evo Morales tangles with the taxi drivers.『7words』

5、brush the tangles out of a dog's fur『8words』



6、Neuritic plaques(NPs)and neurofibrillary tangles(NFTs)are the two most characteristic pathologic hallmarks of AD.『12words』

7、This disorder leaves behind two very important clues: amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles.『13words』

8、Alois Alzheimer's original paper, identifying both plaques and tangles, was presented in November 1906.『14words』

9、At the top, in large affairs, life goes off almost inexplicable tangles of personalities.『14words』

10、Scientists have moved away from plaque and tangles in the brain toward developing better treatments for the disease.『18words』



11、This will quickly help you identify any new tangles that need to be removed before they become problematic.『18words』

12、It was always assumed that the accumulation of these tangles is a progressive phenomenon through the aging process.『18words』

13、These elegant tangles of fluorescent actin bundles won the popular vote for the best microscopic photo of the year.『19words』

14、The result is a number of new approaches that, while more promising than classic plaque-and-tangles theory, require a leap of faith.『21words』

15、Some are using high-powered imaging studies to examine people's brains to look for characteristic plaques and tangles while they are still alive.『22words』

16、Not all dementia is caused by plaque and tangles (stroke is a leading cause), and not all plaque and tangles lead to dementia.『23words』

17、The story of a young filmmaker whose on-location shooting tangles him up with a crime, Road to Nowhere marks Hellman's return to directing.『23words』

18、The incidence of medical tangles related to death -the first report of a retrospective study on 27 years forensic autopsy work of medical tangles『24words』

19、This points to the idea that the tangles and plaques may not directly impair brain function after all. Something else may cause the mental decline.『25words』

20、As the disease progresses, fatty plaques and fibrous tangles of protein build up in the brain, ensnaring nerve cells and eventually strangling them to death.『25words』



21、They found a strong association between those whose autobiographies had low idea density and presence of the Alzheimer-related tangles in the frontal, temporal or parietal lobe of the brain.『29words』

22、In the present medical units in reform, it is very important to deal properly with the medical tangles under new situation and do well the managerial work of medical tangles.『30words』

23、Still, she seems to be able to hold her own when she tangles with Damon (Ian Somerhalder). In fact, she gets the upper hand when she steals his daylight ring.『30words』

24、To make woolen yarns the fibers are fed to the carding machine where the fiber assemblage is opened or separated, tangles are removed. Fibers are straightened to some degree and impurities are removed.『33words』

25、Life into a happy life is a required course of life, let the past and tangles, all along with the clear wind drift clouds, the opposite contradictions, with the fastest time to understand, to tolerate.『35words』

26、“The Way is like a empty vessel That yet may be drawn from Without ever needing to be filled. It is bottomless; the very progenitor of all things in the world. In it all sharpness is Blunted, All tangles untied, All glare tempered, All dust smoothed."『46words』

