

1、That means my perspective is fresher.『6words』

2、I gave a shudder but felt fresher.『7words』

3、Immediately, skin looks more radiantly alive and fresher-younger.『8words』

4、Then, my tree will make the air fresher.『8words』

5、keep your mouth cleaner and your Breath fresher『8words』



6、Joe went enthusiastically to every lecture like a fresher.『9words』

7、Did you take the course as fresher, sophomore, junior, senior, or graduate student?『13words』

8、This evergreen climber will eat up VOCs, leaving your office air fresher and cleaner.『14words』

9、After a shower like this, the grassland becomes even greener and has a fresher scent.『15words』

10、The main difference is the addition of a gradient to give it a fresher aesthetic.『15words』



11、This year saw the launch of both “Caffeine” (their fresher, faster search results) and Google Instant.『16words』

12、The activists’ ideas are fresher: Nobel laureates, judges, the electoral commission and other notables would pick Lokpal members.『18words』

13、Do you agree the air become fresher after the Tobacco Tax and Motor Vehicle First Registration Tax implementation?『18words』

14、That will give you a fresher look and it might be good for your hair ' s quality .『19words』

15、Not only will the air you breathe be fresher, plants also naturally humidify the air reducing allergies and sinusitis.『19words』

16、The comprehensive use of the conceptive means can broaden people 's imagination space and make the conception fresher and more creative.『21words』

17、It was much fresher and pleasanter, for the road was bordered by trees and there were houses only on the right side;『22words』

18、To quell the rebellious rabble and offer fresher faces to voters, Mr Aso considered a big cabinet reshuffle (shades of Britain's Gordon Brown).『23words』

19、You'll feel fresher and feel you've achieved something. you will also have an appetite for breakfast and be better prepared to start the day.『24words』

20、The surface formed mostly in the last billion years, which makes it fresher and more recently active than any rocky planet other than earth.『24words』



21、But it is like a kind of rule that when one artery culture comedown, it would be certainly replaced by an fresher one. New ones replace the old one, just like a cycle.『33words』

22、The deer surname that the "work properly Xi to say with laugh, " regal concubine is from is us big Yin's most imposing noted kin, where is a surface light Be obtaining fresher.『33words』

23、Eat Fresh Produce that is In Season – Based on abundant crops and excessive supplies, produce that is in season is fresher, more nutritious and cheaper than produce that is out of season.『33words』

24、Though some people swear that throwing in such extras as aspirin, soda water, bleach, salt, sugar, or Karo syrup keeps trees fresher longer, the experts say plain water, and plenty of it, is best.『34words』

25、Although, as Mr. Zhang said, it has entered the electronic age, and paper books are not popular because of their waste and space occupation, they still feel that the incense of ink is more familiar, fresher and more intimate.『39words』

26、It needs to confront problems of its own literature practice and to suck up more and fresher nutrition from discourses of western theory, based on which the awareness of its own problems is prospected-to put forward questions and try to answer them by itself.『44words』

