

1、His eyes narrowed into slits.『5words』

2、He slits open the bubble wrap.『6words』

3、Hem single slits, detail display style.『6words』

4、He appears to have two slits for eyes.『8words』

5、Accurate analysis of the scattering characteristics from abitrary slits structure『10words』



6、Cyclic test on large flakiness ratio composite steel plate walls with slits『12words』

7、They also plan to repeat the experiment with four and five slits.『12words』

8、The yield zones he found in polycabonate were slits extending ahead of the crack.『14words』

9、They have a stand - a small, slightly elevated shack with slits for Windows.『14words』

10、Experimental study on full scale steel plate shear wall with slits under low-frequency cyclic loads:PartⅠ『15words』



11、The sound emerges from the f-holes, a pair of elegantly curled slits either side of the bridge.『17words』

12、The seemingly transparent seats, which are fixed on iron swords, appear to float above the light slits.『17words』

13、The odd and even waveguide modes exhibit different behaviors when the cuts are set asymmetrically in the slits.『18words』

14、Opening his eyes to slits, he brought his wrist in front of his face to see the light flashing on his wristband.『22words』

15、Here you have a light source at the bottom and here you have a screen with two slits in it, very small slits.『23words』

16、In this experiment, a beam of electrons is shot through two slits and a photographic film placed behind the slits records the resulting pattern.『24words』

17、If Born's rule is correct, all of these measurements should sum to give the same interference pattern seen when all three slits are open.『24words』

18、The images are then viewed through a kind of filter--called the parallax barrier--that essentially is a screen with a bunch of vertical slits in it.『25words』

19、While the facades towards the farmhouse and the yard are glazed full height, the street facade is predominantly closed and only structured by vertical window slits.『26words』

20、The results of simulation analysis to single slit, aperture and multi-slits show that this method is a simple and credible way to analyze Fraunhofer diffraction in teaching.『27words』



21、So if a photon (particle of light) is directed to a plane with two slits in it and either slit is observed, it will not go through both slits.『29words』

22、This paper discusses and studies the influence of dynamic pressure support force between slits of inclined surface on operation of vertical canned motor pump and how to determine the force, etc.『31words』

23、The distant sun glittered with soft golden light and was obscured by several long and narrow dark clouds. It could only penetrate the light along several parallel slits left by the dark clouds.『33words』

24、Comparing this spectrograph to the one with a holographic concave grating on spherical surface, the former has a higher resolution than the latter has when the widths of the incident slits are same.『33words』

25、Any of numerous animals belonging to the phylum Chordata, having at some stage of development a dorsal nerve cord, a notochord, and gill slits and including all vertebrates and certain marine animals, such as the lancelets.『36words』

26、Her son, not yet two years old, had a snub nose, two slanted slits for eyes, and eyebrows so high up and removed from the eyes that the eyebrows and the eyes must have pined for each other-a living replica of the Chinese face in newspaper caricatures.『47words』

