

1、shrines and other historical monuments.『5words』

2、Their palaces and their shrines are tombs.『7words』

3、The ancient Greek dedicated many shrines to Aphrodite.『8words』

4、Nevertheless, both of them are shrines of youth.『8words』

5、It is known for its Hindu and Buddhist shrines.『9words』



6、Matches were held at Shinto shrines, whence sumo's elaborate pre-bout rituals descend.『12words』

7、This city has more than 1600 Buddhist temples and over 400 Shrine shrines.『13words』

8、The terraces house 108 small, intricately carved shrines between the sets of steps.『13words』

9、From 1535 to 1538, under orders from Henry VIII, all Christian shrines in England were destroyed.『16words』

10、24a silversmith named Demetrius, who made silver shrines of Artemis, brought in no little business for the craftsmen.『18words』



11、Temples and shrines have been built to honor them, for they control the rain, rivers, lakes, and seas.『18words』

12、This kind of tree is called Wangchun tree. It comes from Japan and is usually planted in shrines.『18words』

13、The scattered wooden houses are shrines sung by Mosuos, and they are as devoted to the houses as pilgrims.『19words』

14、It started building Buddhist shrines in 578ad, and was still run by a man surnamed Kongo 40 generations later.『19words』

15、On the walls, shrines, beams and stone foundations of the temple, fantastic flowers and plants, gods and ghosts compete for fantastic beauty.『22words』

16、The content of the program includes ethnic roots, drinking and entertaining, life-and-death love and farewell, all of which show the unique customs of ethnic minorities.『25words』

17、I am singing the starry sky and the hosts that sang high in air, and the gods that were suddenly destroyed in their own shrines.『25words』

18、Photograph by Fritz Hoffmann - "Gained merit in battle" reads the epitaph of two of the 231 eminent Shaolin monks honored with shrines in the Pagoda Forest.『27words』

19、Visit Ise Grand Shrine with 2000 years of history and is a pillar among the most important shrines in Japan and pick up souvenirs at Okage Yokocho.『27words』

20、Very often such statues were enclosed in rectangular shrines or wall niches whose only opening was at the front, making it natural for the statue to display frontality.『28words』



21、And finding their deities incapable of preventing or even punishing this profanation of their shrines, they conceived a low opinion of their power compared to their own village rulers.『29words』

22、“They vary in size from small roadside places of prayer to large Building complexes such as the Grand Ise Shrine. There are more than 97,000 such shrines in Japan. "『30words』

23、On the day of Wasser Festival, Buddhist flags were hung on the temple, decorated with lanterns and colored lanterns, and flowers, fruits and other offerings were filled with beautiful flowers on the shrines.『33words』

24、With only scanty written sources to go on and the fox shrines themselves hidden away in hedges or the dusty corners of temples, Kang has done a good job in ferreting out her material.『34words』

25、Further, it had common shrines and festivals; in fact the elaboration of the whole Greek mythology out of the traditional old Aryan nature-cult was essentially conditioned by the phratries and gentes, and took place within them.『36words』

26、“The Wat, an artificial mountain originally surrounded by a vast external wall and moat, rises in three enclosures toward a flat summit. The five remaining towers (shrines) at the summit are composed of the repetitive diminishing tiers typical of Asian architecture. "『42words』

