


2、He deplored religious bigotry.『4words』

3、His bigotry also spread further.『5words』

4、He found his teacher's bigotry intolerable.『6words』

5、Blatant expressions of bigotry, racism, hatred, or profanity.『8words』



6、A cancer of bigotry spread through the community.『8words』

7、Despite all I know, new incidents of bigotry unsettle me.『10words』

8、Come on, Jack. You really think that kind of embedded bigotry goes away?『13words』

9、Indiana had a history of racial bigotry unequaled north of the Mason-Dixon line.『13words』

10、I see that everything that I was taught and told was bigotry and dehumanizing slander.『15words』



11、He is here because ignorance and bigotry are rampant, and it is a mighty strong combination.『16words』

12、Both suffer from too little competition and what George Bush has called “the soft bigotry of low expectations”.『18words』

13、These most recent deaths are a reminder that all Americans have to work harder to overcome bigotry and hatred.『19words』

14、Thatcher would have seen through Bachmann's ideologically driven scientific ignorance and absurd social bigotry in a matter of moments.『19words』

15、Some of Mr Obama’s enemies have tried to harness pockets of bigotry by painting him in various ways as un-American.『20words』

16、They regard anything foreign as inferior, and it's sheer ignorance and narrow minded bigotry that make them so smug and intolerant.『21words』

17、Brought up in a democratic atmosphere, the student was shocked by the bigotry and narrowness expressed by several of his classmates.『21words』

18、The natural kindliness of her character asserted itself; her better feelings were aroused, triumphing momentarily over the bigotry of her religious opinions.『22words』

19、Boy students have healthier psychology than the girl students. They have psychological problems on different items, boy students are mainly on items like bigotry, force, hostility, etc.『27words』

20、To hold a belief, to live in harmony with the world, can keep my personality, but it is really not the bigotry, the self dream is difficult, and the life is troubled.『32words』



21、What I want from a President are the resources that will enable any child to enjoy their summer where they please without having the doors closed on them by budget cuts or bigotry.『33words』

22、These issues exist in all countries, but in India, I could see the bigotry in high fidelity and hear the stereotypes in surround-sound —partly because it is worse in India, mostly because I am Indian.『35words』

23、I came to Mississippi assuming — in a European secular sort of way — that holy scripture — which once led Mississippi whites down the road of bigotry, was unlikely to be the state's saviour today.『36words』

24、If a woman loves you, you will see her willfulness, her bigotry, her careful eyes, her bad temper, if she does not love you, it is the woman's arrogance, apathy and little goblin face, if she does not love you.『40words』

25、To be a quiet person, to be a good person, to meet people, if you know, how to speak, if you can abandon the bigotry, lose the unnecessary worries, even a leaf, a flower, can find its beauty, as long as the heart, the beauty and joy of life will not come.『52words』

26、Don't let the sadness of the past push the worry of the future, ruin your present happiness. People should be persistent, but not bigotry. There are many things in the world that can't be changed. We should learn to change everything that can be changed and adapt to everything that can't be changed.『53words』

