

1、Was G---- a vulture after all?『6words』

2、Both also have double of vulturevulture single.『7words』

3、American vulture smaller than the turkey buzzard.『7words』

4、Of, relating to, or characteristic of a vulture.『8words』

5、We saw a vulture gorging on some rotting carcase.『9words』



6、This product becomes by a Laos red acid fine vulture.『10words』

7、When someone calls you a “vulture”, it is not a compliment.『11words』

8、Generation day empower, Genghis Khan, knows curved bow to shoot big vulture.『12words』

9、Although these birds did not have it, another study found Bacillus anthracis in vulture faeces.『15words』

10、The king vulture (Sarcoramphus papa) is a large bird found in Central and South America.『15words』



11、See small pearly the vulture after swallowing the base just receive a ladle space anew in.『16words』

12、Can you finish: independently? Call?(Shui Rong, stick cloth, applique, vulture aperture) gold piece, three-in-one, beautiful edition!『16words』

13、Their cavalry gallops headlong; their horsemen come from afar. They fly like a vulture swooping to devour;『17words』

14、Its printing technology, including selection, vulture version, and printing, all of which were in inimitable advantage of that period.『19words』

15、These are the birds you are to detest and not eat because they are detestable: the eagle, the vulture, the black vulture.『22words』

16、Then quickly arrange up the bottle makes the ladle working properly the liquid inside of infused into the beak of the little pearly vulture inside.『25words』

17、Jack Skellington: (singing) And on a dark cold night, when the moon is high, he flies into the fog like a vulture in the sky!『25words』

18、We are cheered when we observe the vulture feeding on the carrion which disgusts and disheartens us, and deriving health and strength from the repast.『25words』

19、While the robust ARC-170s served as heavy fire craft, the nimble V-wing fighters were better suited to dogfight engagements against the speedy vulture starfighters and tri-fighters.『26words』

20、Among the temple ruins, she interpreted hieroglyphs, while he interpreted vulture droppings "as though Nature said to the monuments of Egypt: 'You will have none of me?"『27words』



21、Unspread rumors, like a seed that does not germinate, a vulture that does not have wings, a bunch of firewood that can not be found, have no meaning.『28words』

22、“How comes it that all do not retreat in aversion at sight of that flat, receding, serpent-like forehead, round, vulture-shaped head, and sharp-hooked nose, like the beak of buzzard?『29words』

23、 The old man, like a rusted bronze statue, sitting on a cushion, seemed to be a vulture who knew he was going to die and tried his best to get close to the sun and light.『37words』

24、 The man was in his twenties, tall and bony, wearing a grey ragged gown, yellow and black skin, concave cheeks, frowning, and a pair of hungry vulture-like eyes staring at the door of Lord Lan's home.『37words』

25、Since Tang and Song Dynasties, 72 peaks, such as goose head, stone screen, stone man, Beigu and spiritual vulture, have been the lover of literati and ink poets. When writing books and writing stories, they always praise their great banks and praise their singing beauty and quietness.『47words』

26、This money work adopt alone natural jade sculpture , extremely a plum tree handicraft of vulture is extremely consummate , art of using saber is very fine and smooth fluent, the line is mellow and sweet full, soft , rich wrong but round prune feeling intelligent and elegant mellow and sweet.『51words』

