

1、She unites common sense with vision.『6words』

2、A special bond unites our two countries.『7words』

3、As devotion unites lovers, so perfidy estranges friends.『8words』

4、Today's chart of the day unites these two popular topics.『10words』

5、According to the huge elevator using market, the elevator maintenance unites are numerous.『13words』



6、And unites tunneling view which can explain a lot into the agency cost theory.『14words』

7、Love unites alchemy and magic into new sequences to be dreamt that bridge upon ecstasy.『15words』

8、Finally, this is not the first NVIDIA product, which unites two video chip on one card.『16words』

9、This is a kind of understanding view that closely unites with the future man's allover development.『16words』

10、Yoga is a popular form of movement that unites meditation, balance and strength training with focused breathing.『17words』



11、The single idea that unites most MEPs is a desire for "more Europe", which usually means more euros.『18words』

12、The interim regime unites 14 opposition leaders from different parties, including past prime ministers, ministers and speakers of parliament.『19words』

13、AK no longer unites the different strands of Turks, be they sectarian, ethnic or ideological, as it once did.『19words』

14、The inner courtyard unites and brings together all the functional volumes of the house (living room, kitchen, utility rooms, gym).『20words』

15、A nation is more powerful when it unites in earnest prayer to God than when its resources are channeled into defensive weapons.『22words』

16、Parallel circuit: A circuit in which all the parts are connected to the same voltage but the current divides between them and later re-unites.『24words』

17、How to prevent the loss of nonprofit state-owned property in administrative unites and guarantee the use of it with high proficiency is an important problem.『25words』

18、In Uruguay, the ruling centre-left Broad Front will win a second term, provided it unites around the candidacy of Danilo Astori, a moderate former finance minister.『26words』

19、Hence, while sectarian and partisan faiths are based on personal choice or temperament and divide men, scientific procedure unites men in something nobly devoid of all pettiness.『27words』

20、This garden terrace unites the two courthouses in a public-access amenity for the downtown area of Salt Lake City while establishing a required federal security setback from the street.『29words』



21、From the jungles of the Amazon to the slums of cities like Rio de Janeiro and Recife, soccer is a constant that unites Brazilians from all walks of life.『29words』

22、The brotherly spirit of science, which unites into one family all its votaries of whatever grade,and however widely dispersed throughout the different quarters of the globe. (Franklin Rosevelt, american president)『30words』

23、In Conquest Mode winner is the one whose land is better protected and who has more unites (unites of the better rank are more important, they often make good worst units).『31words』

24、Safire is really a blue hue of Ruby that also appears upon the surface of the earth and unites in this quad tone to create the movements of Absolute Divine Union.『31words』

25、She said: "Divided or alone we can be vulnerable, but if the Atlantic unites not divides us, ours is a partnership always to be reckoned with in the defence of freedom and the spread of prosperity."『36words』

26、When imperialism launches armed attacks on China, the Party unites all classes and strata in the country opposing the foreign aggressors to wage a national war against the foreign enemy, as it is doing in the present War of Resistance Against Japan.『42words』

