


2、The proof of identity of the claimant.『7words』

3、Enter associated employer data for the claimant.『7words』

4、The management of engineering claimant should be strengthened.『8words』

5、We oppose the use or threat of force by any claimant.『11words』



6、But January 's rise in the claimant count is a worrying portent.『12words』

7、Joblessness on the claimant count is now up to 4.3%, its highest since March 1999.『15words』

8、It's possible to imagine a negotiated outcome that satisfies no one claimant fully but all sufficiently.『16words』

9、But a few come to take advantage of England's ferociously claimant-friendly libel laws (Scotland's are different).『16words』

10、A claimant to compensation shall first apply to the organ liable for compensation in making a demand for it.『19words』



11、If you capture a town or a castle without claimant or without oath you can create a new kingdom.『19words』

12、Article75 The modes and quantity of a guaranty provided by a maritime claimant shall be determined by the maritime court.『20words』

13、The belongings of the room should not be removed and the room to be double locked until the claimant arrives.『20words』

14、If the claimant has his habitual residence or principle placeof business in the countr y in which the arrest was made;『21words』

15、This use case generates an appealable monetary document, which is mailed to the claimant; fall away or copy goes to UI staff.『22words』

16、Instead, the claimant receives a time-limited "allowance", conditional on actively seeking a job; no entitlement and no insurance, at 71 pounds a week.『23words』

17、Even so, that is a lot lower than was expected last spring, when forecasters thought that the claimant count would reach 2.1m by late 2009.『25words』

18、They seemed to indicate that Richards had been a claimant for the sack himself, and that Burgess had concealed that fact and then maliciously betrayed it.『26words』

19、Maritime evidence preservation means any of compulsory measures by which a maritime court obtains, retains or seals up evidence related to the maritime claim on application by the maritime claimant.『30words』

20、Where the claimant has difficulty in writing the application, the claimant may entrust it with other persons or file a verbal application, which shall be recorded in writing by the organ under compensatory obligations.『34words』



21、At the close of the Form. "stamp of tax office" means official stamp at the level of tax office of the country (city) of China that is in charge of the said taxation declared by claimant.『36words』

22、At the close of the Form. "stamp of tax office" means official stamp at the level of tax office of the county (city) of China that is in charge of the said taxation declared by claimant.『36words』

23、The limitation period for claims against the carrier with regard to voyage charter party is two years, counting from the day on which the claimant knew or should have known that his right had been infringed.『36words』

24、The first piece shall be kept with the claimant; the second one submitted to the Chinese foreign exchange authorities as a tax exemption certificate for foreign fee payment; and the third kept with the Chinese tax authorities for record.『39words』

25、Where the claimant for compensation demands the confirmation of one of the circumstances as provided for in Article15 and Article16 of this Law and the demanded organ refuses to make the confirmation, the claimant shall have the right to lodge a complaint.『42words』

26、Article 21 A maritime lien is the right of the claimant, subject to the provisions of Article 22 of this Code, to take priority in compensation against shipowners, bareboat charterers or ship operators with respect to the ship which gave rise to the said claim.『45words』


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