overuse of造句,用overuse of怎么造句子(26句)

overuse of造句,用overuse of怎么造句子

1、given to the overuse of long words.『7words』

2、The overuse of the work expedite come to mind here.『10words』

3、Widespread overuse of antibiotics is fueling an increase in antibiotic-resistant bacteria.『11words』

4、The whole food chain is affected by the overuse of chemicals in agriculture.『13words』

5、At the same time however, a complex layout can suffer from the overuse of shapes.『15words』

overuse of造句,用overuse of怎么造句子(26句)

overuse of造句,用overuse of怎么造句子

6、Sheldon: I have a list. FYI, overuse of the phrase "Oh, my God" is number 12.『16words』

7、The overuse of English acronyms in Chinese has a strong negative impact on the purity of Chinese.『17words』

8、Chen Mo, Online Public Relations Agency, said, "the biggest problem now is the overuse of 'water army."'『17words』

9、In recent years, the pollution of nitrate becomes more and more serious because of the overuse of chemical fertilizer.『19words』

10、Some worry about toxins in the air and the overuse of plastics, while others fret that children are overmedicated.『19words』

overuse of造句,用overuse of怎么造句子(26句)

overuse of造句,用overuse of怎么造句子

11、While user fees have been promoted as a way to reduce the overuse of services, this is not what happens.『20words』

12、The ineffectiveness of the starters, and the resulting overuse of the relievers, was a downward spiral that did not stop until Saturday.『22words』

13、A toxic condition caused by the chronic overuse of bromides, characterized by mental dullness, loss of muscular coordination, and sometimes skin eruptions.『22words』

14、Avoid the overuse of exclamation points or emoticons: Your words should be so clear and strong that they don't require extra emphasis.『22words』

15、Enterprises should package the products in a reasonable manner to reduce the overuse of packaging materials and reduce the generation of packaging wastes.『23words』

16、Regional pesticide use cut: Misuse and overuse of insecticide sprays by Asian rice farmers is dangerous to human health and damaging to the environment.『24words』

17、While tennis, golf and other activities that involve repetitive use and overuse of a tendon are the usual culprits, other daily activities also can trigger pain.『26words』

18、The preliminary findings, which werepresented at a medical conference, raise the possibility that overuse of gamingdevices and mobile phones could impact children's joint health, the researcherssaid.『26words』

19、Shared decision making (SDM) can reduce overuse of options not associated with benefits for all and respects patient rights, but has not yet been widely adopted in practice.『28words』

20、Likewise, the "dead zone" of the northern Gulf of Mexico is caused largely by overuse of fertiliser in the American Midwest that is making its way down the Mississippi.『29words』

overuse of造句,用overuse of怎么造句子(26句)

overuse of造句,用overuse of怎么造句子

21、Residents of the U.S. do not need to take iodine pills to prevent radiation-induced thyroid cancer. In fact, overuse of potassium iodide can lead to thyroid problems, especially among children.『30words』

22、These include growing fewer trees to prevent overuse of soil, how to time planting of seeds, pruning to allow enough sunlight onto plants, and supplying trees with appropriate amounts of water.『31words』

23、People whose fingerprints have worn off because of burns or overuse often find that the smooth calluses that develop on the fingertips make it nearly impossible to maintain a grip on anything.『32words』

24、Chronic daily headaches are similar But more frequent. They usually have a psychological cause and respond to certain antidepressants. They may also come from overuse of pain relievers. Migraine and cluster headaches are vascular headaches.『35words』

25、As is typical in situations like this, the middle ground is the most fruitful. The problem is not the use of goto, but the overuse of goto-in rare situations goto is actually the best way to structure control flow.『39words』

26、The same is true for user interfaces. Visual noise can take the form of overembellished and unnecessarily dimensional elements, overuse of rules boxes and other visually “heavy” elements to separate controls, insufficient use of white space between controls, and inappropriate or overuse of visual properties, including color, tex『48words』

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