

1、I'm completely whacked.『3words』

2、I'm absolutely whacked『3words』

3、she asked. "I'm whacked.『4words』

4、The teacher whacked the boy.『5words』

5、The thieves whacked the spoils.『5words』



6、Naturally, this whacked their share prices.『6words』

7、Annabel whacked him on the head.『6words』

8、Ow! You whacked me with your elbow!『7words』

9、James whacked the ball over the net.『7words』

10、They whacked up the $3,000,000 profit among themselves.『8words』



11、He said sarcastically. Annabel whacked him on the head.『9words』

12、I'm whacked to the wide those days, out of spirits.『10words』

13、I see the government has whacked up the taxes again.『10words』

14、Hiss mother was murdered. Yeah, she got whacked. Snuffed out.『10words』

15、Said it was the tooth fairy. So he's obviously whacked out on painkillers.『13words』

16、Moments later, Asamoah Gyan whacked the ball off the crossbar, up, up and away.『14words』

17、When I was younger, I was healthier, but I was, uh, whacked with insecurity, you know?『16words』

18、A friend of the pair intervened, only to be whacked on the head with a pair of iron tongs.『19words』

19、Those who try exporting to the West find their goods whacked with huge tariffs or competing against cheaper subsidized goods.『20words』

20、She whacked the dark floral pattern on the velour curtain, and a lazy haze of dust spun in the sunlit window.『21words』



21、Maybe you don't feel like you're whacking us with a stick, but we certainly feel like we've been whacked with a stick.『22words』

22、Intending to12) jolt him away from the13) deadly14) current, she15) whacked him with a16) handy17) plank of wood by the back door, breaking his arm in two places.『28words』

23、She tried gouging its eyes with a pen and when that did not work she picked up a big branch and whacked him with it. She's a feisty little lady.『30words』

24、Ekstrom whacked his fish to prove they were dead, but when the fish continued to flop around the dissatisfied vet called in the police who arrived on the scene with wailing sirens, the newspaper said.『35words』

25、I need hardly add that his shadow never got the better of him and when at the end he gave a great big shout and whacked it on the head with a victorious smile, it lay submissively prone at his feet.『41words』

