

1、Too choosy to succeed『4words』

2、Singaporeans are also choosy.『4words』

3、Jean' s very choosy about food.『6words』

4、But others may be less choosy.『6words』

5、I'm very choosy about my clothes.『6words』



6、He is never choosy about his job.『7words』

7、Virgos are very choosy about their lover.『7words』

8、He is very choosy about what he eats.『8words』

9、Conversely, neither gender will be choosy in low-population areas.『9words』

10、She' s very choosy about who she goes out with.『10words』



11、If you are not too choosy, you can find a job in the market.『14words』

12、Many toddlers are notoriously choosy about their foods and reticent to try new things.『14words』

13、Donor countries are becoming more choosy about which countries they are prepared to help.『14words』

14、However, using the extended network setting is only as good as your network is choosy『15words』

15、The shortage of migrant workers has made the recruitment workers hungry and choosy this week.『15words』

16、When there were 110 men for every 100 women (as, for example, in Arizona), the women got really choosy.『19words』

17、“I'm afraid you're just too choosy," said Mrs. Wang."You'll pick and choose without ever finding anyone to your liking.『19words』

18、Such refined, or choosy, consumption has become rampant in recent years, especially among an urbane social group known as bobos.『20words』

19、Be choosy. Before you buy, examine six-packs of plants carefully. Avoid those that have tangled roots, are over-grown or dried out.『21words』

20、“In theory, women should be more choosy than men in mating decisions because they don't have the opportunity to reproduce as much," says Lass-Hennemann.『24words』



21、Yes: workers receiving unemployment benefits aren't quite as desperate as workers without benefits, and are likely to be slightly more choosy about accepting new jobs.『25words』

22、It's okay to be choosy when it comes to who you hang out with, what commitments you agree to and "games" you play or don't play.『26words』

23、It seems that the thieves are less choosy these days, with their targets ranging widely from bikes, cell phones, pueses, pre-paid IC cards to sunglasses, bags, and even underwear.『29words』

24、Males don't help the female build a nest, incubate the eggs, or raise the chicks-all they give her are their genes. The females are thus very choosy about which male they pick.『32words』

25、With the decline in the number of marriageable men beginning about1920, women were at a double disadvantage, because men could be more choosy while retaining many of the advantages of a more patriarchal era.『34words』


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