

1、You beautiful gossamer『3words』

2、This is gossamer season.『4words』

3、the gossamer of youth's dreams『5words』

4、No, nothing, not even gossamer-like traces.『6words』

5、a veil spun of the finest gossamer『7words』



6、Softly the gossamer floats over spring pavilions.『7words』

7、Like gossamer you float and land on pavilions.『8words』

8、Let me think and find that thread of gossamer『9words』

9、Have I not even left a trace of gossamer『9words』

10、Have I ever left behind any gossamer traces at all?『10words』



11、Till the gossamer thread you fling, catch somewhere, O my Soul.『11words』

12、Other scenes too cumbersome to merit comparison with the airiness of gossamer『12words』

13、Gossamer is magnetized, gossamer between adhesive, light image watch accuracy, while the lockout.『13words』

14、His arms, holding my arms up gently and firmly, made me feel gossamer.『13words』

15、Somewhat gossamer, some odd gloss, at times bashful, then carefree, There are seas in her.『15words』

16、Infinitesimal details become artistic expression, a translucent tip of a fin becomes like fine gossamer of haute couture fabric.『19words』

17、To add a Middle East crisis to the war in Vietnam might shred the gossamer fabric of East-West relations.『19words』

18、He was merely floating those gossamer threads of thought which, like the spiders, he hoped would lay hold somewhere.『19words』

19、The gossamer strands, slowly overtaking a lakefront peninsula, emit a fetid odor, perhaps from the dead insects entwined in the silk.『21words』

20、Despite its grandeur, the building had a ghostly quality, with its dark, musty rooms, creaking doors, and gossamer curtains that fluttered aimlessly.『22words』



21、Watch has a component called gossamer, this thing is most afraid of watch in the magnetic field near a magnet, spring will be magnetized.『24words』

22、Beyond the glitz and glamour of the runway shows at New York Fashion Week are the chaotic schedules maintained by the models who give life to the gossamer pieces of fabric.『31words』

23、The setting sun vast and round as a red coral ball is bathing the whole river in soft rosy light, while a fine gossamer curtain seems to be descending noiselessly before us.『32words』

24、He was merely floating those gossamer threads of thought which, like the spider's, he hoped would lay hold somewhere. He did not know, he could not guess, what the result would be.『32words』

25、Your glance that evening, showing me as it did that on your side there was not even a gossamer thread connecting your life with mine, meant for me a first plunge into reality, conveyed to me the first intimation of my destiny. 你的目光告诉我,你一点也不认识我,你一点也想不起你的生活和我的生活有细如蛛丝的联系:你的这种目光使我如梦初醒,使我第一次跌到现实之中,第一次预感到我的命运。『43words』


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