

1、This is your doorknob menu.『5words』

2、He jiggled the doorknob noisily.『5words』

3、What about the twisted doorknob『5words』

4、Margaret sees as the doorknob shakes.『6words』

5、I tried the doorknob and it turned.『7words』



6、She turned the doorknob and quietly opened the door.『9words』

7、He was sitting fixed, chilled, when the doorknob turned.『9words』

8、The police found the suspect's fingerprints on the doorknob.『9words』

9、A panic comes over me as I grasp the doorknob.『10words』

10、All most all hotels provide signs that the guest can hang on the doorknob.『14words』



11、Harry turned the doorknob, stepped into Umbridge's office, and closed the door behind him.『14words』

12、As soon as I opened the front door, the doorknob came off in my hand.『15words』

13、The rules have provoked grumbling about the nanny state, much of it from doorknob manufacturers.『15words』

14、Back at the front door, I stop with the cold doorknob clutched in my even colder fist.『17words』

15、One who gently grasps the doorknob to open and close the door is a careful and responsible person.『18words』

16、Something warns me one last time to leave, urgently, as I put my hand on the doorknob .『18words』

17、William Faulkner didn't have a lock on the door to his study, so he brought the doorknob with him.『19words』

18、A user experience designer could help to improve a person's experience with just about anything—a doorknob, a faucet, a shopping cart.『21words』

19、The Purleve hygienic handle makes the doorknob the cleanest thing in a public restroom, when usually it harbors thousands of infection-causing bacteria.『22words』

20、He knows somehow that the doorknob will not turn for him, that there is nowhere to go, no one he can turn to.『23words』



21、Wearing nothing but her underclothing, she outstretched her other smooth arm and lay her warm palm on his tense hands, still gripping the doorknob.『24words』

22、These professionals have turned out original, vital products like hair lanterns, a soft doorknob, fruit juice packages made of fake fruit skin, and coasters like frogs' eggs.『27words』

23、Pretty much any spark, from the static shock you get from touching a doorknob to the giant bolts that light up Jupiter's turbulent atmosphere, could be considered lightning, he said.『30words』

24、You know, "Daddy's leaving his big shoes in the middle of the floor." "Daddy's hanging his pants on the doorknob again." "Daddy only has three pairs of shoes, and they're really old."『32words』

25、This word that chamberlain gives doorknob Yuan Zongkui says to listen to everybody, one city person manages this in jest Matthew is persnickety, regard the joke of at one's leisure as this his word.『34words』

