

1、a burly stevedore;『3words』

2、a big burly construction worker『5words』

3、He was a big, burly man.『6words』

4、A burly figure bursts from the Jews.『7words』

5、Her burly boyfriend elbowed him into the gutter.『8words』



6、The burly soldier pause at the foot of the blockhouse.『10words』

7、No one expects him to get involved in the hurly-burly of campaigning.『12words』

8、Andrew was surprised to see tears brimming in the burly Texan's eyes.『12words』

9、The other figure, a burly man with a reddish face was returning.『12words』

10、I was introduced to a burly man who seemed to be a Soldier.『13words』



11、As the story developed, Solo became a burly, bearded Corellian pirate who dressed flamboyantly.『14words』

12、“He is a tall, burly fellow with long hair and more white than black to his eyes."『17words』

13、Socrates' questions inspired others-including a burly young wrestler named plato-to follow him around and ask him questions.『17words』

14、As a result, many people who know Qin Xianglin are also impressed by this burly, big-headed martial artist.『18words』

15、A dozen burly men saluted the Egyptian flag and sang the national anthem, tears streaming down their faces.『18words』

16、Anyway, the interviewer wondered about how the name later changed in the hurly-burly of English use and he said.『19words』

17、He was also frequently buttonholed by White House lobbyists.who seemed to be permanently assigned to shadow the burly Democrat&b{Terence Moran)『20words』

18、One of the burly percussionists that accompanied the Max Rebo Band, Ak-rev is a grim-faced Weequay with a sense of rhythm.『21words』

19、He was a short, burly man, almost dwarfish but he greeted them cheerfully and set a dish of chickpeas at their table.『22words』

20、a beefy wrestler; had a tall burly frame; clothing sizes for husky boys; a strapping boy of eighteen; (`buirdly' is a Scottish term; a buirdly lad of twelve).『28words』



21、He has been looking at his drink for a long time, when a big burly man walks up behind him and says: "Well, if you don't drink it, I will."『30words』

22、These include a burly man with his pregnant wife, a teenager with his girlfriend and his baseball team, a haughty businessman, two elderly sisters and a homeless man, among others.『30words』

23、Tall and burly, with a round face, wispy white hair, a short-cropped beard and a glint of mischief in his eye, he would now seem a natural to play Falstaff.『30words』

24、He had left home when he was seven. His drunken father, a burly dockworker, enraged by the arrival of an albino son, beat his mother regularly, blaming her for the boy's embarrassing condition.『33words』

25、By keeping some part of himself outside the hurly-burly - viewing the conversation from above, as his former Harvard tutor put it - he avoids drowning in the immediate, the day to day.『33words』

