

1、Remove left plenum panel partition.『5words』

2、Fit right plenum panel cover.『5words』

3、Install right plenum panel cover.『5words』

4、Seal plenum panel to vehicle interior.『6words』

5、Fit plenum panel wall on the left.『7words』



6、Remove plenum panel wall on the left.『7words』

7、Fit oxygen sensor connector to plenum panel wall.『8words』

8、Disconnect plug connection for bonnet wire harness in plenum panel on right.『12words』

9、Each of the plurality of tubes is fluidly connected to the fluid plenum.『13words』

10、A basis is given to expand application scope of plenum pulse cloth bag collector.『14words』



11、The plurality of gas channels is connected to an edge gas plenum surrounding the substrate support.『16words』

12、The intake with plenum bypass is a new type subsonic intake for civil medium range aircraft.『16words』

13、The plenum is connected to a power unit housing a blower, a heating module and a controller unit.『18words』

14、Remove the four screws near the wiper pivots that secure the wiper module to the cowl plenum panel.『18words』

15、Used in piieline, shop equipment and hoods plenum ventilation. Connected by end flanges, Motors available upon requests, Easy installation.『19words』

16、The intake with plenum bypass is a new type subsonic intake for civil medium range aircraft. Its geometry is considered.『20words』

17、Because the FBA heater has air holes drilled throughout its face, its insulation is removed in order to accommodate an air delivery plenum.『23words』

18、The plenum pointed out that the current international situation continues to undergo profound changes in China's reform and development has entered a critical stage.『24words』

19、These provide a plenum for air to circulate below the floor, as part of the air conditioning system, as well as providing space for power cabling .『27words』

20、According to the plenum, the development of a political system of socialist democracy and running the State according to law are important to the socialist modernization drive.『27words』



21、The plenum stressed that the leadership by the Party is the fundamental guarantee for achieving the goals of economic and social development during the 12th Five-Year Plan period.『28words』

22、So no sooner was the plenum over than the party indicated that it would limit the amount of entertainment shows on television and possibly set limits on popular microblogs.『29words』

23、The investigation shows that plenum chamber total pressure has multifarious effects on arcjet thruster operation, and both specific impulse and thrust efficiency can be improved by increasing it befittingly under steady arc.『32words』

24、Guizhou NPC Deputies Delegation held a plenum to review the Government Work Report, NDRC's Report and MOF's Report at the 3rd Session of the 11th NPC National Conference in the morning of March 7th.『34words』

25、The plenum stressed that the country was hit by a wave of serious natural disasters from the beginning of this year, which have caused grave damage to the lives of people in the disaster-hit areas.『35words』

