

1、A strong, virile man.『4words』

2、I'm a very virile man.『5words』

3、Babbitt was expansive and virile.『5words』

4、The virile member does not stand『6words』

5、He was virile in his old age.『7words』



6、His style of singing is very virile.『7words』

7、Many of the poems were elegant and virile.『8words』

8、a man who is virile and sexually active.『8words』

9、His male characters are virile men in their thirties.『9words』

10、They were considered symbolic to the virile aspect of this game.『11words』



11、The virile figure of Theodore Roosevelt swung down the national highway『11words』

12、The company boasts a virile technical strength and enjoys its sophisticated and advanced apparatus.『14words』

13、Elevation of building is adhered by light epidermis, light epidermis reveal virile and body-building architecture style.『16words』

14、His style of singing is very virile, vut he doesn't have much feeling for the expressiveness of the words.『19words』

15、Faustulus and his wife, Acca Larentia, brought up the children, who turned out to be noble, virile and courageous.『19words』

16、Square and decent bed body, streamline bed screen, which show the civility but not lack of flaxible movements, fulls of vigour, strength and virile.『24words』

17、Can strengthen and keep the virile hormone, supply energy, resist fatigue, prevent con-senescence, tone up physical force, advance sex function, streng-then immunity, beautify skin.『24words』

18、Moreover, I am a virile man, I can't behave in a servile way to the woman for obtaining favor, thus I will lose my self-respect.『25words』

19、Antique aesthetic feeling combined with new-century design element, color coffee, which is of romantic and artistic tension. Magnum opus, virile and tender, ornate and unique!『25words』

20、And again that scent hallows the union of man and earth and awakens in us the only really virile love in this world: ephemeral and noble.『26words』



21、Brief, solid, affirmative as a hammer blow, this is the virile word, which must enflame lips and save the honor of our people, in these unfortunate days of anachronistic imperialism.『30words』

22、Their study, published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, suggests muscles in men are akin to elaborate tail feathers in male peacocks: They attract females looking for a virile mate.『31words』

23、But you couldn't get along without masters of some sort, and there arose a new set of masters - not the great, virile, noble men, but the shrewd and spidery traders and money-lenders.『33words』

24、The qualities in it that strike me today are its cheerful vigor, its clearness of form, its virile force and freedom, and the extraordinary healthiness of the hero, and, indeed, of the whole work.『34words』

25、And so this was really the prefect situation, making me look virile (which, male vanity, I enjoy in competition against her husband) and making her feel wanted (which she is; and which, I hope, gives her the self-belief I know her wet fish hubby don't, for she has no idea of how fine she is).『55words』

