


2、glass standoff insulator『3words』

3、“Unfortunately, the standoff will continue," he said.『7words』

4、This won't be a standoff or a dogfall.『8words』

5、The American standoff with Iran remains fraught, and potentially explosive.『10words』



6、It looks like this boxing match is going to be a standoff.『12words』

7、During a 12-hour standoff, police tried unsuccessfully to break into the bus.『12words』

8、Nobody's made a run either way.It's been a standoff all damned day. 都是按兵不动真他妈的死气沉沉的一天。『13words』

9、Until now there has been a standoff between leading countries about who should move first.『15words』

10、Progress has been reported in the negotiations recently, but the sides remain in a tense standoff.『16words』



11、The standoff between the protesters in Syria and the government has escalated to new levels of violence.『17words』

12、Russia is again urging Iran to stop uranium enrichment to end the international standoff over its nuclear program.『18words』

13、Emmys. Once again, in a competition that's decided by insiders, the readers weighed in on the sartorial standoff.『18words』

14、China and Russia on Jan. 8 called on India and Pakistan to exercise restart aint in their latest standoff.『19words』

15、Jack orders them to drop their weapons. They in turn hold DeSalvo at gunpoint, and Jack relents in the standoff.『20words』

16、The mob of dog lovers finally won the standoff by pooling together more than $17, 000 to pay off the truck driver.『22words』

17、Police said Tuesday that the bus had a television on board, which could have allowed the gunman to watch live coverage of the standoff.『24words』

18、A five-year-old girl in a home with a potentially armed suspect helped police peacefully end a tense 10-hour standoff in a Winnipeg townhouse Saturday.『24words』

19、The United States says it wants a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear standoff, but has not ruled out using force if diplomacy fails.『24words』

20、Standoff tubes are secured to the standoff plate, each of the standoff tubes registering with one of the heater elements and containing an electrical conductor.『25words』



21、But the standoff between Milton and Shakespeare, much like the standoff between Comus and the Lady, is not as easily resolved as it might seem to be.『27words』

22、After the detonation of nuclear bombs at the end of world War II, the world moved deeper into the atomic age and the nuclear standoff between the superpowers.『28words』

23、China's defense ministry Wednesday urged the United States to respect its security following a standoff near its south coast, state media reported, amid warnings from Beijing about future ties.『29words』

24、Thousands marched to the Pentagon Saturday to mark the upcoming fouth anniversay of the war in Iraq. There was a brief standoff with police but overall the demonstration was peaceful.『30words』

25、Total gross in 2000, during the Bush/Gore standoff, came to $60 million, despite a top price ticket then of $85 (with "The Lion King"getting $90). The five-week period then saw approximately 100,000 more ticket buyers.『35words』

