

1、You've squashed my sunscreen,@ she groaned.『6words』

2、He squashed his nose against the window.『7words』

3、We squashed up to make room for Sue.『8words』

4、My plan was firmly squashed by the committee.『8words』

5、She squashed her clothes down into the suitcase.『8words』



6、She was squashed between the door and the table.『9words』

7、The fruit at the bottom of the box had been squashed.『11words』

8、The site's gruesome gallery includes photos of flattened squirrels or squashed skunks.『12words』

9、If parents don't answer children's questions, their natural curiosity will be squashed.『12words』

10、The ten of us were squashed together like sardines in the tin.『12words』



11、He was squashed so you can enter and exit a room with ease.『13words』

12、Chromosome karyotypes of Rosa rugosa Plena and Rosa rugosa Kushui were studied by the stem-tips squashed method.『17words』

13、Robert was lucky to escape with just a broken foot after being squashed against a fence by a car.『19words』

14、A fat man sat on a black cat and the black cat was squashed flat, for the man was mad.『20words』

15、Take sandwiches in reusable containers instead of wrapping them in plastic wrap - less waste and your sandwich doesn't get squashed.『21words』

16、But if you weigh 10lb and resemble a squashed beach ball, it's not surprising if your appetite stretches to something more filling.『22words』

17、He paid about 300 yuan to buy a 15-minute video in which a young woman squashed baby mice under her golden high heels.『23words』

18、The transition can be achieved by a combined effect of the broken mirror symmetry and bond formation between the flattened faces in the squashed nanotubes.『25words』

19、Also, you can modify the objects in other ways, the next example scales the ball so that it looks squashed at the bottom of each bounce.『26words』

20、To get around that problem, animators use a tool that measures just how much a character has been squashed to fit into the near and far boxes.『27words』



21、In case you were wondering, this monstrosity really is one word, not merely many different words squashed together—most of its components cannot even stand up on their own.『28words』

22、This pair of feet had kicked three hungry wolves and a bobcat to death. squashed countless vipers, an kicked Cloudy Sky, the notorious bandit of Mount Qilian, off a cliff.『30words』

23、This was the little black one Mike had named Bat Cat because he was so homely, with his dull fur, squashed porcine7 face and little folded flaps of skin for ears.『31words』

24、There are only two kinds of people in this world: those who don't have any problem with watching things that are randomly stretched or squashed, and decent human beings who still have standards.『33words』

25、The liquid will squeeze into tiny pores in the rock, displacing the salty water there, and assume a shape something like a squashed football, 30 to 40 feet high and hundreds of yards long.『34words』


上一篇:alluded to造句,用alluded to怎么造句子(25句)