

1、But you want to make it unusable.『7words』

2、Bombing had made roads and railways unusable.『7words』

3、If it fails, the target platform is unusable.『8words』

4、If this situation should occur, the frame would become unusable.『10words』

5、The problem is that the bridge is often unusable afterwards.『10words』



6、] because the upgrade process may render your install unusable.『10words』

7、If one letter is broken then the entire torah is considered unusable.『12words』

8、This $2500 laptop is unusable at this point and I think I give up.『14words』

9、A parsing error that left configuration files with only a single database connection unusable.『14words』

10、Lack of quality control, resulting in the delivery of products that are unacceptable or unusable.『15words』



11、If a snapshot runs out of space, then all the snapshots are invalidated and become unusable.『16words』

12、The texture of Tokyo's annual tax revenue is sparse and unusable. It is used locally to buy sheep.『18words』

13、The nicest user interface in the world for Twitter won't overcome the basic function-information dissemination-being unusable or unworkable.『18words』

14、You can inadvertently render a directory unusable if you remove its execute bits, say with chmod -R a-x.『18words』

15、Note that the Fedora 7 installer is essentially unusable with anything under 720p, unless you force it into text mode.『20words』

16、Because such a discharge may quickly render an organically quenched unusable, the application of excessive voltage should be carefully avoided.『20words』

17、The failure could start in the form of errors on the SATA link and ultimately result in an unusable SATA port.『21words』

18、In general, a splitter shouldn’t be able to be moved in such a way that makes the contents of a pane completely unusable.『23words』

19、Modules that succumb to heat become unusable during combat, but can be repaired when- or if- the ship makes it back to a station.『24words』

20、Especially frustrating for Swing developers is the fact that a fully functional browser is available on every machine now but has remained unusable to their applications.『26words』



21、So the expiration of a weapon does not mean that it is unusable, but that it may produce instability and be destroyed from a security point of view.『28words』

22、If the Home folder book did require the same level of permissions, it would be kinda unusable, because you'd have to elevate permissions to make any and every change.『29words』

23、Because there was no lag between when the cursor passed over an object and when the balloon was displayed, it rendered the application largely unusable when balloon help was enabled.『30words』

24、There is a certain danger in providing this level of customizability to the toolbars, as it is possible for a reckless user to create a really unrecognizable and unusable toolbar.『30words』

25、This show provides a very good way to learn about recycling, especially for fashion designers. Maybe some of us are not aware that we can make use of old fabric or other materials that seem unusable.『36words』

