


2、On Monday evenings we organise computer training.『7words』

3、What's the best way to organise it?『7words』

4、One of the bosses who organise the tip's scavengers.『9words』

5、They had used social networking sites to organise trouble.『9words』



6、I think the Hotel reception can organise tickets for you.『10words』

7、Companies can organise production and create knowledge in unique ways.『10words』

8、Most taxis aren't metered, so make sure you organise the price beforehand.『12words』

9、People organise timetables for the checkpoints and for manning the entrances to hospitals.『13words』

10、They have asked Shanghai Jinji Business Consulting to organise everything to receive this license.『14words』



11、Messrs Dierks and Stokes will meet other ranchers to organise support for their cause.『14words』

12、Those calls were to organise NATO air strikes on the Bosnian Serb positions round Sarajevo.『15words』

13、Mr Chhatre is setting up a pilot project in South Africa and hopes to organise another in India.『18words』

14、The Fire Services Training School and the Ambulance Command Training School organise a 26-week initial training for new recruits.『19words』

15、The team then started to organise a set of clinical trials of personalised treatments for lung and breast cancer.『19words』

16、It is a national charity event which invites schools and clubs to organise fun football events to raise money.『19words』

17、Also when we try to organise the current knowledge into some schema it will highlight any gaps in our knowledge.『20words』

18、During the year, the committee continued to implement the Community Participation Scheme to encourage community organisations to organise civic education activities at the district level.『25words』

19、That verse, Mr Fadl has argued, seems to imply that far from sitting back and letting God do everything, human beings must organise their own society.『26words』

20、We've done enough background reading, but I think we need to organise exactly what we're going to say about biofuels during the presentation, and the order.『26words』



21、In cases of necessity, the customs may organise testing and inspection, and hold results of testing and inspection recognized by the customs as a basis for commodities categorisation.『28words』

22、In the dictatorial world of orchestras—where conductors choose the repertoire, organise rehearsals and tell musicians how to play—Orpheus is fond of proving that it thrives without a baton.『28words』

23、So they agreed to organise a trip to Dignitas, a Swiss organisation set up in 1988 to help those suffering from terminal illnesses or unbearable pain to die "with dignity".『30words』

24、Spreadsheet and EFT* programs in the Finance Departments; Graphics and CAD** software in the Research and Design departments; teleconferencing with our Tokyo and Caracas offices; databases to store our records and organise our mailings; and of course absolutely everybody has a word processor.『43words』

25、Good day to you, sir. I'm Charlie. Look, If the camp's getting you down and you need a laugh then I'm your man. I organise regular challenges for the lads In the camp, so let me know If you're up for a bit of fun.『45words』

