

1、Nina consoles the distraught Teri.『5words』

2、person or thing that consoles『5words』

3、There's no need to deploy expensive "management consoles."『8words』

4、In the West, people are more into their consoles.『9words』

5、Operates consoles to control radio or television broadcast transmitters.『9words』



6、Create two additional DOS consoles by typing the start command.『10words』

7、Nikola grieves over the body of his daughter, as Victor consoles him.『12words』

8、Meanwhile, back in China, there's been the opposite shift: people are choosing game consoles.『14words』

9、In years past, game consoles stood out from one another mostly by their game offerings.『15words』

10、Sony also wants to get its FeliCa chip embedded into computers, televisions and games consoles.『15words』



11、However, the deployment manager cells and base nodes can also be managed through their respective consoles.『16words』

12、AOI can manufacture consoles, houses, and instrument LABS to keep your drilling operation running at optimum efficiency.『17words』

13、Every few years a new crop of consoles is launched, spurring a wave of sales as gamers upgrade.『18words』

14、Expensive British consoles have long been praised for having sweeter, smoother channel EQ than many other mixers provide.『18words』

15、In fact, video game consoles are often an exception to general rules about modern code not needing much porting.『19words』

16、What makes people, both young and old, want to sit for hours in front of a screen, clicking away on their consoles『22words』

17、Electronic waste, or e-waste, is the fastest growing category of trash, and it includes computers, cellphones, game consoles and some of the hardest-to-recycle materials.『24words』

18、Microsoft has moved into games consoles and set-top boxes, chiefly in case these other devices emerge as challengers to the PC as "hubs" for digital content.『26words』

19、Retro gaming, including simulators of classic game consoles that run on modern PCs, is a growing phenomenon driven by the nostalgia of the first joystick generation.『26words』

20、Boys are falling further behind girls at school because many spend their spare time playing games consoles while girls use computers for homework, according to Government research.『27words』



21、At present, some game developers have already been working with TTPCom, and the mobile phones and game consoles using this technology are expected to hit the market within the year.『30words』

22、“The consoles, cubicles and boxes: The covers of all these devices are spray printed. All operation units are of the products with UL/ISO9001 certificates. The safety degree higher than IP55."『30words』

23、The last round of engagements in the consoles war produced a clear winner in Sony, which has sold 96m PlayStation 2 boxes around the world since its launch in 2000.『30words』

24、Partners quickly entered various game items, some playing cards, some playing billiards, some playing game consoles, the elderly are enthusiastic around watching, very eager to interrupt and feel should not interfere.『31words』

25、which is well known to people, because since its March 4th Japanese launch, the PS2 has sold a huge total of 135, 621, 609 (!) consoles worldwide according to our numbers... 『32words』

