

1、The styles change with bewildering rapidity.『6words』

2、The disease is spreading with alarming rapidity.『7words』

3、The soldiers loaded and discharged with great rapidity.『8words』

4、The experiments results show the efficiency and rapidity of NNDT.『10words』

5、For less active convection, cumuliform clouds grow with less rapidity.『10words』



6、Disease of animal and vegetable pests propagate with extreme rapidity.『10words』

7、That Beijing was stung was apparent in the rapidity of its reply.『12words』

8、Under normal, basal conditions, this protein is inconsequential, because of the rapidity of its degradation.『15words』

9、This method plays important roles on accuracy, reliability and rapidity in quality control of concrete.『15words』

10、The continuity of a steam whistle is due to the intense rapidity of its sequential "explosions".『16words』



11、Recent surveys indicate that the rapidity of transforming into productive forces leaves much to be desired.『16words』

12、This method is suitable for determining trace acrylamide in fried rice product with rapidity, sensitivity and accuracy.『17words』

13、This in turn increases the rate of idea-generation and the rapidity with which ideas are vetted tested and rejected.『19words』

14、When we were on shore the party looked rather alarmed, but continued talking and making gestures with great rapidity.『19words』

15、Modern network economy endows scale economics with the advantage of cost as well as that of rapidity and product differentiation.『20words』

16、The year's end is a time to take account of kingdoms built, but also the sheer rapidity of their destruction.『20words』

17、My eyes turned instinctively in that direction, and I saw a figure leap with great rapidity behind the trunk of a pine.『22words』

18、Conclusion the phage display technique can be applied to study the viral antigenic peptides with the advantages of simple, accuracy and rapidity.『22words』

19、Often think of the rapidity with which things pass by and disappear, both the things which are and the things which are produced.『23words』

20、Whilethere is only a single criterion in the existing bank seal automatic recognition system ofmarket with the deficiencies of low rapidity and low precision.『24words』



21、The overlapping cylinder model(OCM) is used in this letter to describe the rapidity (or pseudorapidity) distributions of charged particles produced in nucleus-nucleus collisions at high energies.『26words』

22、The fire brigade state that the fire must have started at several points. It developed with extraordinary rapidity and began to find its way downstairs to the rooms below.『29words』

23、The patient's heart continued to beat strongly.To palpitate is to pulsate with excessive rapidity and often arrhythmically, as a malfunctioning heart might;the term may also denote a trembling, shaking, or quivering movement:『32words』

24、The building materials can be applied to various large industrial buildings and public installations such as high buildings, workshops, warehouses, gymnasiums, trading mafrkets and additional buildings, which feature light weight, high strength, flexibility and rapidity.『35words』

25、Abstract: In order to meet the uninterrupted development of automobiles towards lightweighed, miniaturized and energy-saving, and to improve its rapidity and security, various electric components with miniaturization, light wight and multifunction are called to be developed.『36words』

