

1、I'm sort of tricking them.『5words』

2、Lisa said. “He’s tricking you into something!”『7words』

3、A stratagem for catching or tricking an unwary person.『9words』

4、The cover of this art album is tricking too.『9words』

5、How do I know you are not tricking me?『9words』



6、Dancing and tricking the night away without reflection or remorse.『10words』

7、I like tricking myself into integrating work and leisure as much as I can.『14words』

8、We can't let him keep on tricking us. Something must be done about it.『14words』

9、I don't think we should trust those guys. What if they're just tricking you?『14words』

10、Guilt's just your ego's way of tricking you into thinking that you're making moral progress.『15words』



11、Duping is another word for deception, for tricking people into some kind of action or misunderstanding.『16words』

12、I am sorry but, the best targeted traffic is generated by search engines not by tricking people.『17words』

13、Rabbit: That's dangerous. How do I know you are not tricking me? You could bite off my paws.『18words』

14、He made this offer to her in his room, which he had locked after tricking her into the meeting.『19words』

15、William: Yes. We can use it if we persuade someone to do something for us, possibly by tricking them!『19words』

16、It's a way of tricking the nerves, diverting attention from the place that hurts. It makes a lot of sense.『20words』

17、If one secceeds in tricking somebody, one laughs and says, “April Fool!” And then the person who has been tricked usually laughs, too.『23words』

18、those seducing, tricking, or forcing abducted women into prostitution, or those selling abducted women to others who in turn force them into prostitution『23words』

19、Some spam makes it through by tricking spam filters into thinking it is genuine or has already been scanned and given a low mark.『24words』

20、What if my father touches me? I would appear to be tricking him and would bring down a curse on myself rather than a blessing.『25words』



21、Fast food restaurants are feeding the obesity epidemic by tricking people into eating many more calories than they mean to, an important study has shown.『25words』

22、It's a recipe for disaster because your body's natural defense is to get sleepy and not want to drink, but in this case you're tricking the body with the caffeine.『30words』

23、It's strange to know he's tricking, but I don't want to say anything. He looked back at the horses and carriages behind the car and felt a sense of relief.『30words』

24、“If by chance my father puts his hand on me, it will seem to him that I am tricking him, and he will put a curse on me in place of a blessing."『33words』

25、He not only affronted the town with insinuations of venality on the part of men in high places and slurs on the courage of the men in the field, but he took pleasure in tricking the dignified citizenry into embarrassing situations.『41words』

