

1、At once I heard a soft purr.『7words』

2、I heard cars purr in the distance.『7words』

3、I could hear the gentle purr of the movie projector.『10words』

4、Aleck fetched a long purr of soft delight, and said.『10words』

5、No doubt this has helped the Celtic Tiger purr again.『10words』



6、He's very playful. He loves to be carried and will purr non-stop.『12words』

7、Cheetahs do not roar, as the other big cats do. Instead, they purr.『13words』

8、According to the book, Lucy's purr signifies the feeling of happy and content.『13words』

9、After feeding, the cats would more often purr and sit in the owner's lap.『14words』

10、Other nocturnal solitary predators such as civets, mongooses and even hyenas are known to purr occasionally.『16words』



11、They wiggle, purr, fly, tickle, somersault, kiss, and spin against the white background of double-page spreads.『16words』

12、Young cats purr in a monotone, while older ones do so in two to three resonant notes.『17words』

13、No one knows exactly why domestic cats purr, but many people interpret it as a sign of contentment.『18words』

14、The crown of the staggered trees was covered with red flowers, and a purr and a purr bloomed with laughter.『20words』

15、Although perhaps not as jolting as an alarm clock, a cat's "soliciting purr" can still pry its owner from sleep.『20words』

16、They learn to dramatically exaggerate this cry embedded within the purr because it proves effective in getting their owner to respond.『21words』

17、This feline's purr is so loud that Guinness World Records may soon declare her purr to be the loudest in the world.『22words』

18、It is a very inconvenient habit of kittens (Alice had once made the remark) that, whatever you say to them, they always purr.『23words』

19、While people usually think of cat purring as a sign of happiness, some cats make this purr-cry sound when they want to be fed.『24words』

20、Master Foo turned back to the neophyte. "The housecat may mock the tiger", said the master, "but doing so will not make his purr into a roar".『27words』



21、According to Northampton College in England, the cat's purr compares to "a lawn mower, hair dryer and even Boeing 747 coming in to land from a mile away."『28words』

22、While humans don't typically purr, some people may make a soft moaning sound when their hair or head is stroked just like a cat might if it were being petted.『30words』

23、Although some big cats like lions exhibit a purr-like sound, studies show that the Patherinae subfamily: lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar, snow leopard, and clouded leopard do not exhibit true purring.『30words』

24、“You will never know, dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away." as Michael sang to his sister, the baby's stained breathing became as smooth as a kitten's purr.『33words』

25、People are able to feed the plant by visiting the project at the Queensland library and literally stroking its fronds or soil, which Isai said would prompt it to "croon and purr" through a sound box.『36words』

