

1、Valuations go down. Things equalize.『5words』

2、Attempts were made to equalize property.『6words』

3、This will reduce and equalize mold temperatures.『7words』

4、It helps to equalize, and we believe in equality.『9words』

5、Such measures are needed to equalize wage rates between countries.『10words』



6、There are only two forces that equalize: one is love, another is death.『13words』

7、Now, pour your chilled coffee into the glass and stir to equalize the temperature.『14words』

8、Home responsibilities may also start to equalize, but there's a long way to go.『14words』

9、Acne facial treatments prevent acne outbreaks by using ingredients that cleanse, normalize and equalize the skin.『16words』

10、Women in Indonesia have secured modern divorce laws that equalize the rights of husbands and wives.『16words』



11、Germany is winning the match until just before the end when the other team lor=# cc0066>equalize.『16words』

12、Did the enrolment expansion in Chinese higher education in the last decade equalize the higher education opportunity?『17words』

13、ResultsThe course, tube - retained time and the negative equalize function of eustachian tube(ET) related to Progno-sis.『17words』

14、Normally the Eustachian tube is closed, so in order to equalize the pressure we need to open it.『18words』

15、If a barrier separating the two sides is punctured, the air rushes to equalize its distribution in space.『18words』

16、Without allocation cost, firm's behavior in pursuing the maximization of profit would tend to equalize return on investment in different areas.『21words』

17、Even if the above is true (it’s questionable, but whatever), these are societal things that will equalize over time, so they’re temporary.『22words』

18、In an attempt to equalize, so far as feasible, the business of the various courts of appeal, Congress has created circuits of different sizes.『24words』

19、In this paper, a new method is proposed in order to control and equalize the power transients of cascaded EDFAs in all optical networks.『24words』

20、Even though arrays are mutable, the function equalize returns its array. This is useful if you only want to equalize a copy of the model.『25words』



21、Contactors are staged automatically and sequentially to equalize element usage. Unit reprograms to off position on power failure. (available only for 36 KW or higher)『25words』

22、It took several hours to shoot and then print the base image. The photographers used white and silver reflectors and black flags to equalize light levels across the table, chair, and floor.『32words』

23、a By-Pass can be used to equalize pressure at inlet and outlet before opening main valve; facilitates easy valve operation. Can also be used for preheating outlet lines and eliminate damage from too fast expansion.『35words』

24、The importance of current equalization degree to rectifying device, the necessity to( equalize) current through rectifying device in operation, and the effect of current equalizer on highly efficient and safe operation of rectifying unit are discussed.『36words』

25、At every stage, and under all circumstances, the essence of the struggle is to equalize opportunity, destroy privilege, and give to the life and citizenship of every individual the highest possible value both to himself and to the commonwealth...『39words』

