scale up造句,用scale up怎么造句子(25句)

scale up造句,用scale up怎么造句子


2、thirdly, B2B can scale up businesses;『6words』

3、We need to scale up two-way trade.『7words』

4、Consideration of key factors during film coating scale up process『10words』

5、For now, stick with 1 - you can always scale up later.『12words』

scale up造句,用scale up怎么造句子(25句)

scale up造句,用scale up怎么造句子

6、Status of Container Ship on scale up and its prediction in Future Development『13words』

7、Let's look at some Agile practices and see how well they scale up for larger projects.『16words』

8、The bubbling bed model can then be used for scale up and design of kinetic processes.『16words』

9、With those studies in hand, we would be well placed to scale up and globalize prevention.『16words』

10、This device can be easily scale up, so this process has wide prospect in application to industry.『17words』

scale up造句,用scale up怎么造句子(25句)

scale up造句,用scale up怎么造句子

11、A key point is that the infrastructure is elastic and can scale up and down based on demand.『18words』

12、It is difficult to scale up conventional spouted bed in diameter because of the limit of its operational principle.『19words』

13、As more work enters the system, the dispatcher can dynamically scale up the infrastructure by starting additional worker instances.『19words』

14、The smart grid, however, should not be confined to pilots. But the problem is figuring out how to scale up.『20words』

15、This reminds us of the urgent need to scale up efforts and continue to seek new and innovative ways to stop TB.『22words』

16、If you scale down your test environment, you will have to scale up your results to approximate the Numbers for the production environment.『23words』

17、For example, if a machine supported 100 users before a scale up, then, after a scale up exercise, it might increase to 125 users.『24words』

18、“Once we scale up, algorithms must be sensitive to tiny changes in identities and at the same time invariant to lighting, pose, age," Kemelmacher-Shlizerman said.『25words』

19、So the present model satisfactorily indicates the mass transfer condition in CTRDC and can be used in operation calculation and scale up design for CTRDC.『25words』

20、The Banks will receive lines of credit through the program that will enable them to significantly scale up the flow of trade finance to emerging markets Banks.『27words』

scale up造句,用scale up怎么造句子(25句)

scale up造句,用scale up怎么造句子

21、The resolution included a work plan to scale up WHO's technical assistance to countries to assess and address the implications of climate change for health and health systems.『28words』

22、India's Rural Employment Act and the country's encouragement of renewable energy are significant examples of how to scale up green growth and accelerate the transition to a green economy.『29words』

23、We should scale up cooperation in disaster prevention and reduction, draw on each other's strengths and minimize the impact of natural disasters on the lives and property of our people.『30words』

24、Putting stress and load testing off to the last minute is common, but it leaves you little time to do anything substantive when you discover your product doesn't scale up to more than12 users.『34words』

25、On a conference call, Mr. Wang disclosed that in 1998 he had instructed 20 of his top engineers to quietly scale up BYD's cellphone-battery technology so that it could be used to power cars some day.『36words』

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