

1、 abandoned idea; 2.shelved; cancelled『5words』

2、Discussion of the problem have is shelved.『7words』

3、The project was abandoned [shelved ; dropped] .『8words』

4、The books are shelved by call numbers .『8words』

5、The beach shelved gently down to the water.『8words』



6、The project was shelved because of lack of capital.『9words』

7、Those rare books are shelved in the East Library.『9words』

8、She practised her part ruefully, feeling that she was effectually shelved.『11words』

9、Long term shelved plans such as widening the Suez canal are being reintroduced.『13words』

10、That rarely happens: in the rush to conclude an agreement, such issues are often shelved.『15words』



11、Or at least, the plan to knock down chunks of her neighbourhood was shelved in 2007.『16words』

12、The Mexican government has shelved such proposals for years, anxious not to upset the powerful interests involved.『17words』

13、They are also shelved or swept away. Most students do not take warning in their next composition.『17words』

14、The salad will taste better if it can be prepared in advance and shelved for a while.『17words』

15、Plans to prettify stations have been shelved in favour of work that boosts the carrying capacity of trains.『18words』

16、Flowers, wines and dreams in love will be shelved because of the combination of love and can only be revisited occasionally.『21words』

17、Cigarettes will be sold without being shelved, while a consumer can choose what he would like to buy by a priced catalogue.『22words』

18、The company has shelved plans to list its real-estate investment trust on the Singapore stock exchange, as has Unitech, India's second-biggest developer.『22words』

19、Shallow sadness and affection for branches blossom, how hindered by being shelved, I became the person I met on the road, suffering in the dream of missing.『27words』

20、Empress Dowagers of the two palaces did not understand government affairs. As long as the foreign ministers shelved their cars, they were helpless and had to give in.『28words』



21、The union said that the activity could escalate to a national strike and accused Royal Mail of "sulking" since plans to part-privatise the group were shelved by Lord Mandelson, the Business Secretary.『32words』

22、in June and July this year forces were deployed in preparation for a blitz against the Border Region, and the scheme was temporarily shelved only because public opinion at home and abroad was against it.『35words』

23、Due to the tragedy of sinking of a ferry the whole land of south Korea looks like a mourner's house. Had Obama have even an iota of ethics and morality, he should have postponed or shelved his trip.『38words』

24、This kidnapping and murder case actually happened as early as eight years ago. The investigation has been fruitless for a long time. It has basically become a suspended case in the old year, which has been shelved there.『38words』

25、The way to promote sincerity is to hold ceremonies and explain the "Four Books" and other classics and histories on a regular basis. However, recently, Shen Shixing has been unable to persuade the Emperor of Wanli to attend the ceremonies he should preside over, and the feasts have been shelved for a long time.『54words』

