

1、mucous cystadenofibroma of ovary『4words』

2、Hemolytic anemia, hemoglobinuria, jaundice & mucous membrane petechiation.『8words』

3、Seromucous glands contain both mucous and serous cells.『8words』

4、Inflammation of mucous membranes, especially of the nose and throat.『10words』

5、Calf diphtheria, is characterized by bilateral necrosis of the mucous membrane of the larynx.『14words』



6、An infected mucous membrane, especially of the tongue, nose and larynx, commonly becomes ulcerated.『14words』

7、Viral conjunctivitis is an infection of the mucous membrane of the surface of the eye.『15words』

8、These colorful fish have a layer of mucous that keeps the anemone from stinging it.『15words』

9、Don't insert the forceps into the depth of nose so as to avoid injuring the nose mucous membrane.『18words』

10、Your blood and urine may also be analyzed as well as the mucous from your nose and throat.『18words』



11、A humidifier can shrink any excess mucous and allow you to breathe better, which should help reduce your snoring.『19words』

12、The result show: the oesophagus has a thick stratified squamous epithelium which is little keratinized with numerous mucous glands.『19words』

13、The mean proportional volumes of mucous acini were more than those of serous acini except salivary glands of rodents.『19words』

14、The characteristic symptoms were not observed, pathological examinations of diseased sheep exhibited swelling of lung, fall off and haemorrhages of intestinal mucous membrane.『23words』

15、Diet acrimony, sootiness, salt bloats, mildew changes, cankered food : hot food stimulates gastric mucous membrane, as time passes injures gastric mucous membrane ;『24words』

16、Any of several viral diseases causing the eruption of small blisterlike vesicles on the skin or mucous membranes especially herpes simplex or herpes zoster.『24words』

17、Instead, the sun will burn off the etheric blockages and etheric mucous that collects as a result of the continuous transmutation of the form and field.『26words』

18、The super-high-luminance LED Lamp belongs to the luminescence light source, which is effective to prevent the nonnasality mucous membranes from being burned by the over-heated lamp.『26words』

19、In the stomach, the SS-cells were dispersedly distributed among the gastric mucous epithelium, the bottom mucous epithelium of gastric pit and in the neck of gastric glands.『27words』

20、The result of artificial infection test showed that strong fluorescence appeared on intestinal mucous membrane 12 hours after 20 day -old SPF chickens were infected with rotavirus.『27words』



21、In the meantime, dry weather makes the cilium motion slow down on respiratory tract mucous membrane, dirt, bacterium adhere to easily at mucous membrane, exciting laryngeal causes cough.『28words』

22、Results Among of the 7 cases, 2 cases skin and mucous plaque, 2cases dark stools and microscopic hematuria, 2 cases gingival bleeding and hemorrhinia, 1 cases brain hemorrhage.『28words』

23、In January 2004 year, at a village of Qilian County of Qinghai Province, a cause-unknown disease "Mouth mucous membrane canker" took place in the sheep, yaks and horses.『28words』

24、In the stomach, the SS-cells were also distributed among the gastric mucous epithelium and in the neck of gastric glands, the majority of cells were in round and long shuttle forms.『31words』

25、The SS-cells among the mucous epithelium were usually in long shuttle and long neck bottle shapes, and the cells with round, ellipse or pear forms were mostly in the gastric glands.『31words』

