

1、He may be ousted by a military takeover.『8words』

2、The singer was ousted by audience last night.『8words』

3、The party was ousted from power after eighteen years.『9words』

4、The next year he was ousted following steet( street) demonstrations.『10words』

5、in recent decades it has been ousted by the "Middle East".『11words』



6、He was then ousted from Apple after a boardroom coup in 1985.『12words』

7、The ousted chairman received a $1.5 million payoff from the loss-making oil company.『13words』

8、Most of the ousted man's generals and ministers have sworn allegiance to the new President.『15words』

9、The policy was put in place by the civilian government ousted recently by the military.『15words』

10、Only when the deception was revealed and the country's health minister ousted was SARS brought under control.『17words』



11、The losers have been ordinary citizens, ousted from their homes with cut-rate compensation and scant legal recourse.『17words』

12、He ousted the chief executive and got Legg to cut costs and return billions of dollars to shareholders.『18words』

13、The last time Labour lost these councils was in 1977, two years before it was ousted from power nationally.『19words』

14、Just a week ago it would have been unthinkable to suggest that Muammar Qaddafi could be ousted from power.『19words』

15、a team that had been ousted from the playoffs in each of the first three seasons since O'Neal and Brynat arrived.『21words』

16、The leader of the club was ousted because he always abused his power, while the young people did not eat it.『21words』

17、The crisis is the most severe since 2006, when after months of massive protests, the military ousted Prime Minister Thaksin, and imposed a military-led government.『25words』

18、On October 7, Governor Gray Davis was ousted from office, the body building champion, Austrian immigrant and action film star was elected to replace him.『25words』

19、Egypt’s finance minister, who was appointed by the ruling military council after Hosni Mubarak was ousted as president in February, resigned over the government’s handling of the protest.『28words』

20、If he were ousted by Hannelore Kraft, the SPD's leader, that would be an ominous sign for Mrs Merkel-a chancellor's undoing often begins with defeats in the states.『28words』



21、At the most recent election, in 2008, Tom Perriello, a Democrat, ousted the Republican incumbent by just 727 votes, even as the district voted against Barack Obama for President.『29words』

22、Last week they ousted the colonel's troops from two oil ports, Brega and Ras Lanuf, between Tripoli, the capital, in the west and Benghazi, the rebels' headquarters in the east.『30words』

23、The Hashemite Prince Faisal, a protege of TE Lawrence who had been ousted by the French in Syria, was acclaimed Ring of Iraq in a referendum. The "yes" vote was 96%.『31words』

24、German player Graf, who ranks first among women players in the world now, has a good situation, as she ousted the 19 year-old American young gun Anne Marie with 6:2, 6:1 and also barged into the second round.『38words』

25、For the ancient capital of Beijing, the Qing Emperor was ousted by the 1911 Revolution. It has only been more than 80 years since the 1911 Revolution. It has evolved from an ancient feudal capital to a vibrant modern metropolis.『40words』

