

1、Today's malaise has two possible explanations.『6words』

2、He complained of depression, headaches, and malaise.『7words』

3、Amid the domestic malaise, the Japanese are eyeing foreign markets.『10words』

4、Calcium deficiency is the main cause of this malaise .『10words』

5、A protracted malaise will spawn an angry search for scapegoats.『10words』



6、Others were pointing to an even more malicious malaise in the English game.『13words』

7、Some of Texas’s malaise must clearly be blamed on the weak national economy.『13words』

8、But trouble may be coming anyway.The housing market's malaise is deepening all the while.『14words』

9、Wages have generally stagnated or declined over Japan's two "lost decades" of economic malaise (see chart).『16words』

10、Dry the tears, push back against the malaise, burn away the fog and stiffen the spine.『16words』



11、Such expectations and the cautious behavior they lead to can trap an economy in a kind of malaise.『18words』

12、A malaise will overtake and it will seem as if time has stopped because progress will be retarded.『18words』

13、The malaise stems in considerable part from a feeling that individuals have become more vulnerable to forces beyond their control.『20words』

14、Yet despite all these achievements, the sense of malaise in Chile is as palpable as the snow blanketing the Andes.『20words』

15、But the economic malaise and energy-efficiency programs in the U.S. brought forward the date of the milestone, Mr. Birol said.『20words』

16、And if historical patterns hold, the current bout of malaise presents a fantastic opportunity for investors to buy shares at a discount.『22words』

17、Here, obviously, our appraisal of the situation is more radical than anything that can be associated with the "general malaise" referred to above.『23words』

18、An infectious bacterial disease of human beings that is caused by brucellae, transmitted by contact with infected animals, and characterized by fever, malaise, and headache.『25words』

19、Identifying specific pain points and explaining how your software addresses those is easier than trying to tap into a general malaise and promising a better world.『26words』

20、On 13 August 1987, a 15-year old Danish male, who had been in Kenya for one month, was admitted to hospital with a three-day history of headache, malaise, fever, and vomiting.『31words』



21、“A 69-year-old female patient was hospitalized in this hospital from March18 to 26,1995 because of severe general malaise following a cold. She did not have a good rest. Her trouble became aggravated."『32words』

22、Some officials, like Mr. Francis, say it is a symptom of summer recess, a tough economy that has left many teenagers out of work and a general sense of anxiety and malaise.『32words』

23、The sharp drop in U.S. oil demand — down in recent weeks by about 9% from a year ago — shows how deep the economic malaise is across much of the industrialized world now.『34words』

24、The113- year-old company, which in four years has undergone dramatic restructuring at the cost of thousands of jobs in the face of the technology crash and economic malaise, will launch the marketing push on September13.『35words』

25、Any solution [to Soviet economic malaise], however, is hostage to the crisis of authority, creating a catch-22 stalemate between perestroika and glasnost, between economics and politics: any measure to shore up the economy only fans public anger and reduces the authority of the Government.『44words』

