

1、Several of his aides, however, were pacing.『7words』

2、He strode past with his retinue of aides.『8words』

3、The aides and staff in Song dynasty are special group.『10words』

4、He would place his former aides in positions of influence.『10words』

5、Tuesday for a videoconference with the Administration's top national security aides.『11words』



6、Zaitsev and his aides raised an observer wearing helmets at the head.『12words』

7、Yet the attorney-general’s office has begun to investigate several of Mr Correa’s closest aides.『14words』

8、Another article noted that Switzerland had frozen the assets of Mr. Mubarak his aides.『14words』

9、Today McCain lambastes the whole idea as “cap and tax, ” to the dismay of former aides.『17words』

10、Shenzong Yuanfeng in three years or when the Xining Scholars, is prefect of Su Shi's aides Dingzhou.『17words』



11、They were not in their offices, and aides said they did not know where any of them had gone.『19words』

12、Guinea's military leader has been fired on by one of his aides in the capital, Conakry, a government spokesman says.『20words』

13、These proposals are backed by more than 90 Labour MPs - including four ministerial aides - in a parliamentary petition.『20words』

14、So a few resourceful aides and knights with the skill of crowing and stealing went downstream on a fire wheel.『20words』

15、Aides say that Obama would have no public events during the trip, although he has received his intelligence briefings and met with aides.『23words』

16、The Iran-Contra story was out; White House aides John Poindexter and Oliver North had broken the law and lied about it to Congress.『23words』

17、Urged by Iraqi leaders to move more swiftly investigative judges chose instead to include hussein along with seven aides in the court's first trial.『24words』

18、With Qaddafi's forces turning back the rebellion, Mrs. Clinton changed course, forming an unlikely alliance with a handful of top administration aides who had been arguing for intervention.『28words』

19、Some aides joke that the president feels guilty about having brought Mr. McClellan all the way to Washington and is trying to help drum up business for him.『28words』

20、Of course, a few days of good behavior cannot erase 16 months of erratic conduct, and aides acknowledge that their efforts to steer a straight course could falter.『28words』



21、There had, reportedly, been a debate among Obama aides over whether he should use the charged word "occupation" to describe Israel's hold of the territories it gained in 1967.『29words』

22、So far Mr Obama has been happy to leave much of the legislative heavy lifting to congress. But he makes sure his aides work closely with their congressional colleagues.『29words』

23、This, he says, is proof that the landmarks were deliberately created as navigational aides. Many were built within sight of each other and provided a simple way to get from a to b.『33words』

24、In the other hand, it discusses the aides and staff affect on Zeng Guofan's political decision. It reveals that this is one of the reasons why Zeng can stand towering on the dangerous official career.『35words』

25、The Allstate Insurance Company, New Jersey's biggest automobile insurer, says it is pulling out of the state because over - regulation makes profitable business impossible;the Governor and his aides say the state is being blackmailed for higher rates.『38words』

