

1、Thanks allot for your tactful reply.『6words』

2、To allot as a portion or share.『7words』

3、to allocate and transfer (goods or funds); to allot『9words』

4、The company is ready to allot houses to its employees.『10words』

5、To be a top weightlifter you need allot of overall flexibility.『11words』



6、Enquiriesare so large that we can only than allot you 200 cases.『12words』

7、Moreover, system can be managed in different way by allot role popedom according to different user.『16words』

8、How much time she might, in her own fancy, allot for its dominion, is another concern.『16words』

9、But how to allot the benefit in the alliance is a problem which needs to resolve.『16words』

10、Objective: To learn about the hospital bonus allot system (HBAS) in China, its relatedfactors and evaluation indexes.『17words』



11、Buy back contract can coordinate supply chain and allot the whole expected profit between supplier and retailers arbitrarily.『18words』

12、They decided to allot the palm ofvictory to whichever of them could strip the clothes off a traveler.『18words』

13、Mean while I will like you to call me when you have chance, Because I have allot to tell you.『20words』

14、I am a 35 year old man from Norway. I am a Sales Manager and travels allot in my work.『20words』

15、It is suggested that 5,000-6,000 years ago people in the Middle East and North Africa started to allot specific lengths of time to tasks.『24words』

16、And if you have especially thick hair, let the receptionist know when you book your appointment so she can allot enough time for you.『24words』

17、The Hebei provincial government recently decided to allot RMB316m from the fiscal budget as subsidies for dairy farmers, giving them RMB200 for each milk cow.『25words』

18、Because cure's decree not mature, Chinese medicine doctor's healthy insurance outlay allot insufficient properly, Chinese massage operator face law disturb with take up employment place's indefinable double difficulty.『28words』

19、And the suburban Yuhang District announced that the district's financial department would allot 5 million yuan every year from now on to subsidize teachers working in rural areas.『28words』

20、BRIAN: There's a time that I allot for [work]. Tuesday through Friday, that's when I decide between 8 at night and 2 in the morning that I create the magic.『30words』



21、Plastics can leach many extremely harmful toxins such as BPA or bisphenol A which is getting allot of press at the moment particularly in relation to babies bottles and tinned formula.『31words』

22、The method is with strong feasibility and practicability, but it needs the appraiser to do much survey, analyze the status of the land carefully, and choose the feasible spacial allot way.『31words』

23、Land has been allotted to all Red Army officers and men who are natives of the border area, but it is rather difficult to allot land to those from other parts of the country.『34words』

24、“shall allot an amount of money totaling 2% of all the salaries of the staff and workers of the JV company as trade union's funds, which shall be used by the trade union in accordance with the "Managerial Rules for the Trade Union Funds""『44words』

25、The founders of a new colony, whatever Utopia of human virtue and happiness they might originally project, have invariably recognised it among their earliest practical necessities to allot a portion of the virgin soil as a cemetery, and another portion as the site of a prison.『46words』

